

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): bonds.

Синонимы: bonding, linkage, binding, bonds, coherence, cohesion, concatenation, cord, coupling, ligament, tie, ties, adherence, adhesion, affiliation.

  1. связь

    double bond
    двойная связь

    bond between carbon atoms
    связь между атомами углерода

    strong emotional bond
    сильная эмоциональная связь

    chemical bond
    химическое соединение

  2. Бонд
  3. узы
  4. обязательство
  5. залог

    amount of the bond
    сумма залога

  6. облигации
  7. скрепление
  8. связка

    ceramic bond
    керамическая связка

  9. раб
  10. сцепление
  11. боны

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): bonded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): bonded.

Синонимы: bind, tie, associate, attribute, communicate, connect, fetter, immobilize, link, relate, sequester.

  1. связывать
  2. скреплять
  3. привязаться

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений bond на 1 миллион слов: 36.

Примеры предложений

There is a strong bond between the brothers.
Между братьями существует тесная связь.

If James Bond is agent 007, who is 001?
Если Джеймс Бонд — агент 007, то кто 001?

What's a covalent bond?
Что такое ковалентная связь?

What's an ionic bond?
Что такое ионная связь?

I once knew a guy who claimed to feel a spiritual bond with stoats. Weirdo.
Я как-то знавал парня, который утверждал, что имеет духовную связь с горностаями. Чудила.

James Bond is not an actor.
Джеймс Бонд - это не артист.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I bond We bond
You bond You bond
He/She/It bonds They bond
Past Simple
I bonded We bonded
You bonded You bonded
He/She/It bonded They bonded
Future Simple
I will bond We will bond
You will bond You will bond
He/She/It will bond They will bond

Present Continuous
I am bonding We are bonding
You are bonding You are bonding
He/She/It is bonding They are bonding
Past Continuous
I was bonding We were bonding
You were bonding You were bonding
He/She/It was bonding They were bonding
Future Continuous
I will be bonding We will be bonding
You will be bonding You will be bonding
He/She/It will be bonding They will be bonding

Present Perfect
I have bonded We have bonded
You have bonded You have bonded
He/She/It has bonded They have bonded
Past Perfect
I had bonded We had bonded
You had bonded You had bonded
He/She/It had bonded They had bonded
Future Perfect
I will have bonded We will have bonded
You will have bonded You will have bonded
He/She/It will have bonded They will have bonded

md5 hash от слова bond: ecda8ff7933831de47cded3bb238b613


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