

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): chairs.

Синонимы: carriage, cart, chairman, defecation, departement, lectern, moderator, podium, presidency, presiding, pulpit, rostrum, seat, sidecar, sitting.

  1. стул

    electric chair
    электрический стул

    carved wooden chair
    резной деревянный стул

    white plastic chair
    белый пластмассовый стул

    chairs with high backs
    стулья с высокими спинками

    office chair
    офисный стул

    barber's chair
    парикмахерское кресло

    comfortable leather chairs
    удобное кожаное кресло

    elbow of his chair
    подлокотник кресла

  2. кафедра

    department chair
    заведующий кафедрой

  3. председатель

    committee chair
    председатель комитета

  4. председательство
  5. коляска
  6. сиденье

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): chaired.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): chaired.

Синонимы: preside.

  1. председательствовать

adjective прилагательное

  1. кресельный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений chair на 1 миллион слов: 28.

Примеры предложений

Your chair is identical to mine.
Твой стул такой же, как у меня.

Tom kicked a chair in anger.
Том в сердцах пнул стул.

Tom moved his chair closer to the window.
Том подвинул свой стул ближе к окну.

Tom said he wanted to move his chair closer to the window.
Том сказал, что хочет подвинуть свой стул ближе к окну.

Betty sat in the chair with her legs crossed.
Бетти сидела на стуле со скрещенными ногами.

Could you move the chair a bit?
Ты можешь немного подвинуть стул?

This chair is ugly.
Этот стул безобразен.

The chair is made of wood.
Стул сделан из дерева.

There is no chair in this room.
В этой комнате нет стула.

Sit down on that chair and try to calm yourself.
Сядь на тот стул и постарайся успокоиться.

This chair is too low for me.
Этот стул для меня слишком низкий.

Move the chair nearer to the desk.
Придвинь стул ближе к парте.

Don't scrape your chair on the floor.
Не царапай стулом пол.

The plastic chair costs four pounds.
Пластиковый стул стоит четыре фунта.

That chair goes in the corner.
Этот стул пойдёт в тот угол.

The child dragged a chair over to the bench so it could reach the biscuit tin.
Ребенок подтащил стул к скамейке, чтобы дотянуться до банки с печеньем.

The mother put Ali onto a child chair for feeding and fed him.
Мать посадила Али на детский стульчик для кормления и покормила его.

The chair creaked as he sat down.
Стул скрипнул, когда он сел.

This chair was designed by Philippe Starck.
Этот стул был разработан Филиппом Старком.

This chair is yours.
Это кресло ваше.

The chair is broken.
Стул сломан.

Tom threw the chair through the window.
Том выбросил стул в окно.

The chair is not by the window.
Стул не у окна.

Is the cat on the chair or under the chair?
Кошка на стуле или под стулом?

He broke up the chair for firewood.
Он разломал стул на дрова.

She sat in a chair reading a magazine.
Она сидела на стуле и читала журнал.

This chair is more comfortable than that one.
Этот стул удобнее, чем тот.

Go and get a chair from the next room, please.
Пожалуйста, сходите принесите стул из соседней комнаты.

Get a chair for Tom, would you?
Не принесешь Тому стул?

Is this chair the same as the others?
Этот стул такой же, как другие?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I chair We chair
You chair You chair
He/She/It chairs They chair
Past Simple
I chaired We chaired
You chaired You chaired
He/She/It chaired They chaired
Future Simple
I will chair We will chair
You will chair You will chair
He/She/It will chair They will chair

Present Continuous
I am chairing We are chairing
You are chairing You are chairing
He/She/It is chairing They are chairing
Past Continuous
I was chairing We were chairing
You were chairing You were chairing
He/She/It was chairing They were chairing
Future Continuous
I will be chairing We will be chairing
You will be chairing You will be chairing
He/She/It will be chairing They will be chairing

Present Perfect
I have chaired We have chaired
You have chaired You have chaired
He/She/It has chaired They have chaired
Past Perfect
I had chaired We had chaired
You had chaired You had chaired
He/She/It had chaired They had chaired
Future Perfect
I will have chaired We will have chaired
You will have chaired You will have chaired
He/She/It will have chaired They will have chaired

md5 hash от слова chair: a09272b53419ab95507cdf127329336d


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