

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): compacts.

Синонимы: acceding, agreement, arrangement, compactness, consenting, pact, settlement, stipulation, treaty.

  1. соглашение

    international compact
    международное соглашение

    social compact
    общественный договор

  2. пакт
  3. пудреница
  4. компакт

    convex compact
    выпуклый компакт

  5. компактность

    compact design
    компактность конструкции

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): compacted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): compacted.

Синонимы: clamp, condense, grasp, grip, infill, multiplex, zip.

  1. уплотнять
  2. сжать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: compacted, dense, burly, consistent, gross, hearty, small, stiff, stout, tight.

  1. компактный

    compact fluorescent lamp
    компактная люминесцентная лампа

    locally compact group
    локально компактная группа

    compact heat exchanger
    компактный теплообменник

    compact digital camera
    компактный цифровой фотоаппарат

    new compact car
    новый компактный автомобиль

    compact pickup truck
    компактный пикап

    compact device
    компактное устройство

  2. плотный

    compact mass
    плотная масса

  3. кучный

adverb наречие

Синонимы: compactly, densely.

  1. компактно

participle причастие

Синонимы: compacted, condensed, clenched, collapsed, compressed, concise, contracted, dense, harvested, multiplexed, packed, pinched, pressurized, sealed, shrunken.

  1. сжатый
  2. уплотненный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений compact на 1 миллион слов: 27.

Примеры предложений

I want a compact car with an air conditioner.
Мне нужна небольшая машина с кондиционером.

Compact washing machines are expensive for their size.
Компактные размеры стиральных машин увеличивают их стоимость.

I'd like to rent a compact car.
Я хотел бы одолжить компактную машину.

She gave me this compact disc.
Она дала мне этот компакт-диск.

Now we look compact and comfortable, as the father said ven he cut his little boy's head off, to cure him o' squintin'.
Теперь у нас вид приятный и аккуратный, как сказал отец, отрубив голову своему сынишке, чтобы излечить его от косоглазия.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I compact We compact
You compact You compact
He/She/It compacts They compact
Past Simple
I compacted We compacted
You compacted You compacted
He/She/It compacted They compacted
Future Simple
I will compact We will compact
You will compact You will compact
He/She/It will compact They will compact

Present Continuous
I am compacting We are compacting
You are compacting You are compacting
He/She/It is compacting They are compacting
Past Continuous
I was compacting We were compacting
You were compacting You were compacting
He/She/It was compacting They were compacting
Future Continuous
I will be compacting We will be compacting
You will be compacting You will be compacting
He/She/It will be compacting They will be compacting

Present Perfect
I have compacted We have compacted
You have compacted You have compacted
He/She/It has compacted They have compacted
Past Perfect
I had compacted We had compacted
You had compacted You had compacted
He/She/It had compacted They had compacted
Future Perfect
I will have compacted We will have compacted
You will have compacted You will have compacted
He/She/It will have compacted They will have compacted

md5 hash от слова compact: 7cf74ca49c304df8150205fc915cd465


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