

noun существительное

Синонимы: boiler, coin, furnace, pot.

  1. медь

    refined copper production
    производство рафинированной меди

    solution of copper sulphate
    раствор сульфата меди

  2. котел

    new copper
    новый котел

  3. медяк
  4. Коппер
  5. медный котел

verb глагол

  1. омеднять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: brassy, brazen.

  1. медный

    copper alloy
    медный сплав

    extraction of copper ore
    добыча медной руды

    copper tarn disk
    медная монета

  2. медеплавильный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений copper на 1 миллион слов: 27.

Примеры предложений

He melts copper.
Он плавит медь.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.
Латунь - это сплав меди с цинком.

Bronze is composed of copper and tin.
Бронза состоит из меди и олова.

Electricity cables are made of copper.
Электрические провода сделаны из меди.

Copper conducts electricity well.
Медь хорошо пропускает электричество.

Copper and silver are both metals.
И медь, и серебро - металлы.

He is smelting copper.
Он плавит медь.

He is melting copper.
Он плавит медь.

The vendor weighs the cheese with copper scales.
Продавец взвешивает сыр медными весами.

There are copper threads within the wire.
Внутри провода находятся медные жилы.

The cable is copper.
Кабель медный.

The cable is made of copper.
Кабель медный.

They sell us copper.
Они продают нам медь.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I copper We copper
You copper You copper
He/She/It coppers They copper
Past Simple
I coppered We coppered
You coppered You coppered
He/She/It coppered They coppered
Future Simple
I will copper We will copper
You will copper You will copper
He/She/It will copper They will copper

Present Continuous
I am coppering We are coppering
You are coppering You are coppering
He/She/It is coppering They are coppering
Past Continuous
I was coppering We were coppering
You were coppering You were coppering
He/She/It was coppering They were coppering
Future Continuous
I will be coppering We will be coppering
You will be coppering You will be coppering
He/She/It will be coppering They will be coppering

Present Perfect
I have coppered We have coppered
You have coppered You have coppered
He/She/It has coppered They have coppered
Past Perfect
I had coppered We had coppered
You had coppered You had coppered
He/She/It had coppered They had coppered
Future Perfect
I will have coppered We will have coppered
You will have coppered You will have coppered
He/She/It will have coppered They will have coppered

md5 hash от слова copper: e7e94d9ef1edaf2c6c55e9966b551295


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