

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): crowds.

Синонимы: concourse, flock, gathering, multitude, swarm, abundance, afflux, agglomeration, aggregation, assemblage, bunch, clump, cluster, collection, concentration.

  1. толпа

    enthusiastic crowd
    восторженная толпа

    crowd of local residents
    толпа местных жителей

  2. множество

    huge crowd
    огромная масса

  3. публика

    motley crowd
    разношерстная публика

  4. скопление

    large crowd of people
    большое скопление людей

  5. народ

    great crowd
    множество народа

  6. толчея
  7. сборище
  8. орава

    whole crowd
    целая орава

  9. гурьба

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): crowded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): crowded.

Синонимы: dislodge, displace, hover, huddle, hustle, mob, oust, preempt, replace, restrict, squeeze, supersede, throng, winkle.

  1. толпиться
  2. вытеснять
  3. теснить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений crowd на 1 миллион слов: 22.

Примеры предложений

The crowd may be on the side of Luciano, but the champ has got the skill to win and that's what matters.
Толпа может быть на стороне Лучано, но у чемпиона есть умение, которое требуется для победы, и это то, что имеет значение.

A large crowd of people gathered.
Собралась большая толпа людей.

There was a large crowd there.
Там была большая толпа.

The crowd went berserk.
Толпа обезумела.

This crowd reminds me of the streets of Tokyo.
Эта толпа напоминает мне улицы Токио.

He was encircled by a crowd of reporters.
Он был в окружении толпы журналистов.

A large crowd had gathered on the street.
На улице собралась большая толпа.

The crowd dispersed.
Толпа рассеялась.

The juggler wowed the crowd by keeping ten oranges up in the air.
Жонглер поразил толпу, удерживая в воздухе десять апельсинов.

Tom stirred up the crowd with his moving speech.
Том всколыхнул толпу своей пламенной речью.

The crowd gathered around the speaker.
Толпа собралась вокруг говорящего.

Tom performed and the crowd applauded.
Том выступил, и толпа зааплодировала.

The crowd is growing larger and larger.
Толпа становится всё больше и больше.

The crowd calmed down.
Толпа успокоилась.

The crowd acclaimed the new king.
Толпа приветствовала нового короля.

The crowd gave the winner a big hand.
Толпа встретила победителя аплодисментами.

Two are too many, three's a crowd and four you're dead.
Двое – слишком много, трое – толпа, четверо – ты мёртв.

The police held the crowd back.
Полиция сдерживала толпу.

The crowd was silent.
Толпа безмолвствовала.

The crowd applauded for several minutes.
Толпа рукоплескала несколько минут.

The crowd yelled when he scored a goal.
Толпа закричала, когда он забил гол.

A crowd was gathering around him.
Вокруг него собиралась толпа.

The crowd was mostly women and children.
Толпа состояла по большей части из женщин и детей.

The crowd applauded again.
Толпа снова зааплодировала.

They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people.
Они увидели человека в толпе людей.

There is a crowd of women around Tom.
Вокруг Тома толпа женщин.

The crowd surged into the auditorium.
Толпа ринулась в аудиторию.

The crowd filled the streets.
Толпа заполонила улицы.

The crowd is going nuts.
Толпа сходит с ума.

There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated.
На концерте было больше народа, чем мы предполагали.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I crowd We crowd
You crowd You crowd
He/She/It crowds They crowd
Past Simple
I crowded We crowded
You crowded You crowded
He/She/It crowded They crowded
Future Simple
I will crowd We will crowd
You will crowd You will crowd
He/She/It will crowd They will crowd

Present Continuous
I am crowding We are crowding
You are crowding You are crowding
He/She/It is crowding They are crowding
Past Continuous
I was crowding We were crowding
You were crowding You were crowding
He/She/It was crowding They were crowding
Future Continuous
I will be crowding We will be crowding
You will be crowding You will be crowding
He/She/It will be crowding They will be crowding

Present Perfect
I have crowded We have crowded
You have crowded You have crowded
He/She/It has crowded They have crowded
Past Perfect
I had crowded We had crowded
You had crowded You had crowded
He/She/It had crowded They had crowded
Future Perfect
I will have crowded We will have crowded
You will have crowded You will have crowded
He/She/It will have crowded They will have crowded

md5 hash от слова crowd: 2cbc047f26734011182a078e8470e520


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