

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): drills.

Синонимы: boring, drilling, exercise, exercising, routine.

  1. дрель

    electric drill
    электрическая дрель

    drill diameter
    диаметр сверла

    diamond drill
    алмазный бур

  2. упражнение

    goal of the drill
    задача упражнения

    fire drill
    пожарные учения

  3. бурение
  4. сверление
  5. сеялка

    seed drill
    зерновая сеялка

  6. учебная тревога

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): drilled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): drilled.

Синонимы: deepen, dive.

  1. сверлить

    drilled well
    пробуренная скважина

  2. углубиться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: bore, chisel, drilled, drilling, lumber.

  1. буровой

    drill bit
    буровое долото

    drill pipe
    бурильная труба

    drill chuck
    сверлильный патрон

  2. строевой

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений drill на 1 миллион слов: 6.

Примеры предложений

The singing of the local birds is akin to the sound of a drill.
Пение местных птиц похоже на звук дрели.

We had a fire drill yesterday.
Вчера у нас были пожарные учения.

This isn't a drill.
Это не учение.

I need a drill to install the new towel rack.
Мне нужна дрель, чтобы установить новую вешалку для полотенец.

Japanese education is sometimes said to employ the drill and kill method.
Иногда говорят, что японское образование основано на принципе «зубрить и добить».

This is not a drill.
Это не учение.

Tom knows the drill.
Том знает, что надо делать.

Is this a drill?
Это дрель?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I drill We drill
You drill You drill
He/She/It drills They drill
Past Simple
I drilled We drilled
You drilled You drilled
He/She/It drilled They drilled
Future Simple
I will drill We will drill
You will drill You will drill
He/She/It will drill They will drill

Present Continuous
I am drilling We are drilling
You are drilling You are drilling
He/She/It is drilling They are drilling
Past Continuous
I was drilling We were drilling
You were drilling You were drilling
He/She/It was drilling They were drilling
Future Continuous
I will be drilling We will be drilling
You will be drilling You will be drilling
He/She/It will be drilling They will be drilling

Present Perfect
I have drilled We have drilled
You have drilled You have drilled
He/She/It has drilled They have drilled
Past Perfect
I had drilled We had drilled
You had drilled You had drilled
He/She/It had drilled They had drilled
Future Perfect
I will have drilled We will have drilled
You will have drilled You will have drilled
He/She/It will have drilled They will have drilled

md5 hash от слова drill: f3ba2a96072b04d256a347403eff94e9



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