

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): houses.

Синонимы: accommodation, housing, lodging, abode, apartment, condo, digs, domicile, door, flat, habitation, household, manse, quarters, rental.

  1. дом

    auction house
    аукционный дом

    father's house
    отчий дом

    single storey house
    одноэтажный дом

    old wooden house
    старый деревянный дом

    build new houses
    строить новые дома

    timber frame house
    каркасный дом

    own fashion house
    собственный модный дом

    dwelling house
    жилое здание

    summer house
    летний домик

  2. палата представителей

    lower house of parliament
    нижняя палата российского парламента

  3. жилье

    safe houses
    безопасное жилье

    right to housing
    право на жилище

  4. хаус

    coffee house
    кофе хаус

  5. квартира
  6. изба

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): housed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): housed.

Синонимы: host, occupy, post.

  1. размещаться
  2. расквартировывать

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): houser.

Синонимы: domestic, domesticated, home, home-based, homely, homemade, homespun, indoor, pet.

  1. домашний

    house cat
    домашняя кошка

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений house на 1 миллион слов: 451.

Примеры предложений

The house that I live in is old.
Дом, в котором я живу, старый.

His house is three times as big as mine.
Его дом в три раза больше, чем мой.

The house burned down completely.
Дом сгорел дотла.

Don't you feel the house shaking?
Ты не чувствуешь, что дом трясётся?

My house stands on a hill.
Мой дом стоит на холме.

Soon we saw a house whose roof was red.
Вскоре мы увидели дом с красной крышей.

Bob entered the house through a window.
Боб проник в дом через окно.

You'll find the house empty.
Ты обнаружишь, что дом пуст.

This house is not very large.
Этот дом не очень большой.

Tom's house is near the park.
Дом Тома находится рядом с парком.

I wish I could buy that house cheap.
Хотел бы я купить тот дом по дешевке.

Tom is convinced that his house is haunted.
Том убеждён, что у него в доме привидения.

My house is built.
Мой дом построен.

Tom's house has red roof.
У дома Тома красная крыша.

Three soldiers who came back from the war are renting a house at the edge of a small town on the shore of the Inland Sea and live together.
Три солдата, вернувшихся с войны, арендуют дом на окраине маленького города на берегу Внутреннего моря и живут совместно.

This is the house where Tom was born.
Это дом, в котором Том родился.

Nobody wants to buy a house in my country.
Никто не хочет покупать дом в моей стране.

My house is ten minutes' walk from the station.
Мой дом находится в десяти минутах ходьбы от вокзала.

We painted the house green.
Мы покрасили дом зелёной краской.

I know Tom's house is for sale.
Я знаю, что дом Тома для продажи.

Now I live in a city. Nevertheless, the distance between my house and the large forest is only about a kilometer.
Сейчас я живу в городе. Тем не менее, расстояние между моим домом и большим лесом всего около километра.

He bought the land for the purpose of building his house on it.
Он купил эту землю, чтобы построить на ней свой дом.

Tom is a house painter.
Том - маляр.

He set his house on fire.
Он поджёг свой дом.

They had no house to live in.
Им было негде жить.

They set fire to their neighbour's house in revenge.
Они подожгли соседский дом в отместку.

May I call on you at your house tomorrow morning?
Можно мне зайти к тебе домой завтра утром?

My house is next door to Tom's house.
Мой дом рядом с домом Тома.

Is it true that you bought a house in Australia?
Это правда, что вы купили дом в Австралии?

Tom's house is on the other side of the river.
Дом Тома на другом берегу реки.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I house We house
You house You house
He/She/It houses They house
Past Simple
I housed We housed
You housed You housed
He/She/It housed They housed
Future Simple
I will house We will house
You will house You will house
He/She/It will house They will house

Present Continuous
I am housing We are housing
You are housing You are housing
He/She/It is housing They are housing
Past Continuous
I was housing We were housing
You were housing You were housing
He/She/It was housing They were housing
Future Continuous
I will be housing We will be housing
You will be housing You will be housing
He/She/It will be housing They will be housing

Present Perfect
I have housed We have housed
You have housed You have housed
He/She/It has housed They have housed
Past Perfect
I had housed We had housed
You had housed You had housed
He/She/It had housed They had housed
Future Perfect
I will have housed We will have housed
You will have housed You will have housed
He/She/It will have housed They will have housed

md5 hash от слова house: 2ca63cddd54f9490efad22421891a9d1


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