

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): imprints.

Синонимы: depicting, depiction, die, effigy, featuring, icon, image, imagery, impress, impression, imprimatur, indentation, likeness, painting, picture.

  1. отпечаток

    deep imprints
    глубокие отпечатки

    indelible imprint
    неизгладимый след

  2. выходные
  3. импринт
  4. изображение
  5. штамп
  6. выходные сведения

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): imprinted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): imprinted.

Синонимы: impress, engrave.

  1. запечатлевать
  2. отпечатывать
  3. впечатать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений imprint на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

The military and moral-political defeat of the fascist aggressors left a deep imprint on the minds of the peoples of the world.
Военный и морально-политический разгром фашистских агрессоров оставил глубокий след в сознании народов мира.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I imprint We imprint
You imprint You imprint
He/She/It imprints They imprint
Past Simple
I imprinted We imprinted
You imprinted You imprinted
He/She/It imprinted They imprinted
Future Simple
I will imprint We will imprint
You will imprint You will imprint
He/She/It will imprint They will imprint

Present Continuous
I am imprinting We are imprinting
You are imprinting You are imprinting
He/She/It is imprinting They are imprinting
Past Continuous
I was imprinting We were imprinting
You were imprinting You were imprinting
He/She/It was imprinting They were imprinting
Future Continuous
I will be imprinting We will be imprinting
You will be imprinting You will be imprinting
He/She/It will be imprinting They will be imprinting

Present Perfect
I have imprinted We have imprinted
You have imprinted You have imprinted
He/She/It has imprinted They have imprinted
Past Perfect
I had imprinted We had imprinted
You had imprinted You had imprinted
He/She/It had imprinted They had imprinted
Future Perfect
I will have imprinted We will have imprinted
You will have imprinted You will have imprinted
He/She/It will have imprinted They will have imprinted

md5 hash от слова imprint: 7efd23cf7fd0635122d1cc90d3507a28


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