

noun существительное

Синонимы: muck, droppings, dung, fertiliser, fertilization, fertilizer, fertilizing, liquid, wash.

  1. навоз

    liquid manure
    жидкий навоз

    horse manure
    конский навоз

    poultry manure
    птичий помет

  2. удобрение

    green manure
    зеленое удобрение

  3. позем
  4. навозохранилище
  5. жижа

verb глагол

Синонимы: fertilize, nourish.

  1. удобрять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: dung.

  1. навозный

    manure heap
    навозная куча

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений manure на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

You've parked yourself like manure on a field.
Ты припарковался, как навоз на поле.

Djafar smells manure.
Джафар чувствует запах навоза.

Organic chicken manure is high in nitrogen.
Органический куриный помет содержит много азота.

Money is like manure, of very little use except it be spread.
Деньги подобны навозу, от них очень мало пользы, если только их не разбрасывать.

Having grown up in a rural area, I have a talent for identifying different kinds of manure by scent alone.
Выросший в сельской местности, я обладаю талантом распознавать различные виды навоза только по запаху.

Knowledge is like manure, it's only good when spread.
Знания подобны навозу, они хороши только тогда, когда их распространяют.

What are you doing with the manure?
Что ты делаешь с навозом?

Which is the most suitable manure for the tomatoes?
Какой навоз наиболее подходит для помидоров?

He cleansed the fountains, that the water might be clear and pure; carried the manure out of the yard for fear lest the smell might prove offensive; and trimmed his orchard that it might appear in all its beauty.
Он очистил фонтаны, чтобы вода была чистой и прозрачной; вынес навоз со двора, опасаясь, что запах может оказаться неприятным; и подстриг свой сад, чтобы он предстал во всей своей красоте.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I manure We manure
You manure You manure
He/She/It manures They manure
Past Simple
I manured We manured
You manured You manured
He/She/It manured They manured
Future Simple
I will manure We will manure
You will manure You will manure
He/She/It will manure They will manure

Present Continuous
I am manuring We are manuring
You are manuring You are manuring
He/She/It is manuring They are manuring
Past Continuous
I was manuring We were manuring
You were manuring You were manuring
He/She/It was manuring They were manuring
Future Continuous
I will be manuring We will be manuring
You will be manuring You will be manuring
He/She/It will be manuring They will be manuring

Present Perfect
I have manured We have manured
You have manured You have manured
He/She/It has manured They have manured
Past Perfect
I had manured We had manured
You had manured You had manured
He/She/It had manured They had manured
Future Perfect
I will have manured We will have manured
You will have manured You will have manured
He/She/It will have manured They will have manured

md5 hash от слова manure: 86dc4df5d42a4f8583bc1ec8cca2b10b


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