

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): massacres.

Синонимы: bashing, battering, battery, beat, beating, bruising, carnage, slaughtering.

  1. резня

    terrible massacre
    ужасная резня

    brutal massacre
    жестокая бойня

    bloody massacre
    кровавая расправа

  2. избиение

    massacre of the innocents
    избиение младенцев

  3. кровавая расправа
  4. зверское убийство
  5. массовый расстрел

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): massacred.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): massacred.

Синонимы: carve, dispose, engrave, excise, exterminate, punish, uproot, whittle.

  1. истреблять
  2. вырезать
  3. расправиться
  4. устроить резню

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений massacre на 1 миллион слов: 21.

Примеры предложений

The general ordered the massacre of all war prisoners.
Генерал приказал устроить резню всех военнопленных.

The Chinese government controlled the internet to prevent the people from knowing the truth of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Китайские власти контролировали интернет, чтобы люди не узнали правду о резне на площади Тяньаньмэнь.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I massacre We massacre
You massacre You massacre
He/She/It massacres They massacre
Past Simple
I massacred We massacred
You massacred You massacred
He/She/It massacred They massacred
Future Simple
I will massacre We will massacre
You will massacre You will massacre
He/She/It will massacre They will massacre

Present Continuous
I am massacring We are massacring
You are massacring You are massacring
He/She/It is massacring They are massacring
Past Continuous
I was massacring We were massacring
You were massacring You were massacring
He/She/It was massacring They were massacring
Future Continuous
I will be massacring We will be massacring
You will be massacring You will be massacring
He/She/It will be massacring They will be massacring

Present Perfect
I have massacred We have massacred
You have massacred You have massacred
He/She/It has massacred They have massacred
Past Perfect
I had massacred We had massacred
You had massacred You had massacred
He/She/It had massacred They had massacred
Future Perfect
I will have massacred We will have massacred
You will have massacred You will have massacred
He/She/It will have massacred They will have massacred

md5 hash от слова massacre: 73f4b98d80efb8888a2b32073417e21e


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