

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): mists.

Синонимы: aerosol, blur, fog, sleet, vapor, vapour.

  1. туман

    oil mist
    масляный туман

    thick white mist
    густой белый туман

    early morning mist
    утренний туман

    evening mist
    вечерняя мгла

    blue mist
    голубоватая дымка

  2. аэрозоль
  3. изморось
  4. водяная пыль
  5. пасмурность

verb глагол

Синонимы: steam, sweat, weep.

  1. запотевать
  2. затуманиться


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и mist: mits.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений mist на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

The mist cleared.
Туман рассеялся.

A mist hung over the river.
Над рекой висел лёгкий туман.

After sunset, a thin mist appeared over the field.
После захода солнца над полем появился призрачный туман.

The valley was hidden from view in the mist.
Долина не видна из-за тумана.

A boat suddenly appeared out of the mist.
Внезапно из тумана появилась лодка.

As the sun rises, the morning mist gradually fades away.
По мере того как солнце поднимается, мало-помалу рассеивается утренний туман.

A name is sound and mist.
Имя есть звук и мгла.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I mist We mist
You mist You mist
He/She/It mists They mist
Past Simple
I misted We misted
You misted You misted
He/She/It misted They misted
Future Simple
I will mist We will mist
You will mist You will mist
He/She/It will mist They will mist

Present Continuous
I am misting We are misting
You are misting You are misting
He/She/It is misting They are misting
Past Continuous
I was misting We were misting
You were misting You were misting
He/She/It was misting They were misting
Future Continuous
I will be misting We will be misting
You will be misting You will be misting
He/She/It will be misting They will be misting

Present Perfect
I have misted We have misted
You have misted You have misted
He/She/It has misted They have misted
Past Perfect
I had misted We had misted
You had misted You had misted
He/She/It had misted They had misted
Future Perfect
I will have misted We will have misted
You will have misted You will have misted
He/She/It will have misted They will have misted

md5 hash от слова mist: 33e16c8a3da401a5625838638cc5634b



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