

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): patents.

Синонимы: artifice, brevet, devising, discovery, innovation, inventing, invention, licence, licensee, patenting.

  1. патент

    patents for his invention
    патента на изобретение

  2. патентование
  3. изобретение
  4. патентовед

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): patented.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): patented.
  1. патентовать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: patented, proprietary.

  1. патентованный

    patent pending technology
    патентованная технология

    patent attorney
    патентный поверенный

    international patent system
    международная патентная система

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений patent на 1 миллион слов: 40.

Примеры предложений

I've applied for a patent on my invention.
Я обратился за патентом на моё изобретение.

I filed a patent.
Я зарегистрировал патент.

He wore a tunic over a silk shirt and high patent leather boots.
Он был в кителе поверх шёлковой рубахи и в высоких лакированных сапогах.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I patent We patent
You patent You patent
He/She/It patents They patent
Past Simple
I patented We patented
You patented You patented
He/She/It patented They patented
Future Simple
I will patent We will patent
You will patent You will patent
He/She/It will patent They will patent

Present Continuous
I am patenting We are patenting
You are patenting You are patenting
He/She/It is patenting They are patenting
Past Continuous
I was patenting We were patenting
You were patenting You were patenting
He/She/It was patenting They were patenting
Future Continuous
I will be patenting We will be patenting
You will be patenting You will be patenting
He/She/It will be patenting They will be patenting

Present Perfect
I have patented We have patented
You have patented You have patented
He/She/It has patented They have patented
Past Perfect
I had patented We had patented
You had patented You had patented
He/She/It had patented They had patented
Future Perfect
I will have patented We will have patented
You will have patented You will have patented
He/She/It will have patented They will have patented

md5 hash от слова patent: e1fd8b7ad4f0cfa9a8a23dc1628df709


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