

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): pitches.

Синонимы: accent, action, altitude, box, conveying, cord, cordage, cornfield, deck, delivery, elevation, feed, field, fielding, file.

  1. подача

    sales pitch
    коммерческая подача

  2. тангаж

    pitch angle
    угол тангажа

  3. поле

    football pitch
    футбольное поле

  4. пек

    coal tar pitch
    каменноугольный пек

    synthetic pitch
    синтетическая смола

  5. шаг

    fixed pitch propeller
    винт фиксированного шага

  6. высота

    standard pitch
    стандартная высота

  7. площадка

    pitch with artificial turf
    площадка с искусственным покрытием

  8. тон

    high pitch
    высокий тон

  9. веревка

    last pitch
    последняя веревка

  10. высота тона
  11. питч
  12. газон
  13. тендер

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): pitched.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): pitched.

Синонимы: construct, partition.

  1. разбить
  2. сооружать

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): pitcher.

Синонимы: resin, tar.

  1. смоляной
  2. кромешный

    pitch darkness
    кромешная тьма

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений pitch на 1 миллион слов: 25.

Примеры предложений

It's pitch black outside.
На улице тьма кромешная.

Whose idea was it to pitch the tent here?
Чья была идея поставить здесь палатку?

The cloud was pitch black.
Туча была черной как смоль.

Even people with perfect pitch sometimes have a hard time with Mandarin, let alone Cantonese.
Даже люди с идеальным слухом иногда испытывают трудности с путунхуа, не говоря уже о кантонском диалекте.

Where should we pitch the tent?
Где нам поставить палатку?

Pitch the ball to me.
Бросьте мне мяч.

I haven't found a good place to pitch our tent yet.
Я пока что не нашел хорошего места, чтобы разбить нашу палатку.

Let's all pitch in and get the work done.
Давайте-ка все подналяжем и закончим работу.

Let's pitch the tent while it's still light.
Давайте поставим палатку, пока ещё светло.

Where should we pitch our tent?
Где нам разбить палатку?

Do you think you could pitch in $10 for Tom's birthday present?
Как думаешь, ты не мог бы внести десять долларов на подарок Тому ко дню рождения?

Let's pitch our tent here.
Давайте поставим нашу палатку здесь.

I have perfect pitch.
У меня абсолютный слух.

Let's find a good place to pitch our tent.
Давайте найдём подходящее место, чтобы разбить палатку.

We can pitch our tent anywhere we want.
Мы можем поставить нашу палатку где нам угодно.

Pitch the ball.
Подавайте мяч.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I pitch We pitch
You pitch You pitch
He/She/It pitches They pitch
Past Simple
I pitched We pitched
You pitched You pitched
He/She/It pitched They pitched
Future Simple
I will pitch We will pitch
You will pitch You will pitch
He/She/It will pitch They will pitch

Present Continuous
I am pitching We are pitching
You are pitching You are pitching
He/She/It is pitching They are pitching
Past Continuous
I was pitching We were pitching
You were pitching You were pitching
He/She/It was pitching They were pitching
Future Continuous
I will be pitching We will be pitching
You will be pitching You will be pitching
He/She/It will be pitching They will be pitching

Present Perfect
I have pitched We have pitched
You have pitched You have pitched
He/She/It has pitched They have pitched
Past Perfect
I had pitched We had pitched
You had pitched You had pitched
He/She/It had pitched They had pitched
Future Perfect
I will have pitched We will have pitched
You will have pitched You will have pitched
He/She/It will have pitched They will have pitched

md5 hash от слова pitch: 8ee0b79fb35b0efe85b44c0ee243f8d5



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