

noun существительное

  1. уголовное преследование

verb глагол

Синонимы: accuse, act, allege, blame, charge, chase, condemn, conduct, damn, denounce, dribble, fight, guide, harass, haunt.

  1. преследовать
  2. вести
  3. возбудить
  4. преследовать по суду
  5. наказать
  6. обвинять
  7. осудить
  8. возбуждать дело
  9. предавать суду

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений prosecute на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Tom declined to prosecute the person who stole from him, reasoning that the police and prison guards were far bigger criminals.
Том отказался преследовать в судебном порядке человека, который обокрал его, мотивируя это тем, что полиция и тюремные охранники были гораздо большими преступниками.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I prosecute We prosecute
You prosecute You prosecute
He/She/It prosecutes They prosecute
Past Simple
I prosecuted We prosecuted
You prosecuted You prosecuted
He/She/It prosecuted They prosecuted
Future Simple
I will prosecute We will prosecute
You will prosecute You will prosecute
He/She/It will prosecute They will prosecute

Present Continuous
I am prosecuting We are prosecuting
You are prosecuting You are prosecuting
He/She/It is prosecuting They are prosecuting
Past Continuous
I was prosecuting We were prosecuting
You were prosecuting You were prosecuting
He/She/It was prosecuting They were prosecuting
Future Continuous
I will be prosecuting We will be prosecuting
You will be prosecuting You will be prosecuting
He/She/It will be prosecuting They will be prosecuting

Present Perfect
I have prosecuted We have prosecuted
You have prosecuted You have prosecuted
He/She/It has prosecuted They have prosecuted
Past Perfect
I had prosecuted We had prosecuted
You had prosecuted You had prosecuted
He/She/It had prosecuted They had prosecuted
Future Perfect
I will have prosecuted We will have prosecuted
You will have prosecuted You will have prosecuted
He/She/It will have prosecuted They will have prosecuted

md5 hash от слова prosecute: c18ac77dbe4b7211c616667e4f8fc526


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