

verb глагол

Синонимы: acknowledge, admit, discern, identify, accept, accommodate, account, allow, assess, cater, confide, consider, define, designate, detect.

  1. распознавать

    recognize faces
    распознавать лица

    recognize the symptoms
    распознать симптомы

  2. признавать

    recognized authority
    признанный авторитет

  3. узнавать

    recognize people
    узнавать людей

    recognize the voice
    узнать голос

    recognize the truth
    познать истину

  4. признаться
  5. учитывать
  6. определять
  7. различать
  8. отдавать должное

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений recognize на 1 миллион слов: 22.

Примеры предложений

Do you recognize this handwriting?
Тебе знаком этот почерк?

I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.
Интересно, узнает ли она меня через столько лет.

She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her.
Она настолько изменилась, что я не мог её узнать.

Tom seemed to recognize you.
Том, кажется, тебя узнал.

Do you recognize anything?
Вы что-нибудь узнаёте?

You can't seriously expect that they won't recognize you in that disguise. That lopsided, dime store moustache is a dead giveaway!
Нельзя всерьёз ожидать, что они не узнают тебя при такой маскировке. Накладные усы из дешёвого магазина выдадут тебя с потрохами, если съедут набок!

He didn't even recognize my voice.
Он даже голос мой не узнал.

He seemed to recognize her.
Он, похоже, его узнал.

How did you recognize me?
Как вы меня узнали?

Even the dog doesn't recognize him.
Даже собака не узнает его.

I don't recognize the number.
Я не узнаю номер.

You recognize Tom, don't you?
Ты узнаёшь Тома, не так ли?

I didn't recognize Tom at first.
Я Тома сначала не узнал.

I thought that you would recognize Tom.
Я думал, ты узнаешь Тома.

Would you recognize her?
Вы бы её узнали?

You'll recognize him.
Ты его узнаешь.

Would you recognize me?
Вы бы узнали меня?

I didn't recognize him at first.
Поначалу я его не узнал.

I thought I'd be able to recognize Tom.
Я думал, что смогу узнать Тома.

I couldn't recognize her at first.
Я её сперва не узнал.

Tom should recognize this.
Том должен это признать.

Do you recognize that man?
Вы узнаете этого человека?

Do you recognize these men?
Вы узнаёте этих мужчин?

Do you recognize this?
Вы это узнаёте?

Tom didn't recognize Mary's voice.
Том не узнал голос Мэри.

Tom didn't recognize the truck driver.
Том не узнал водителя грузовика.

Tom shaved off his beard and dyed his hair blonde, hoping people wouldn't recognize him.
Том сбрил бороду и покрасился в блондина, надеясь, что его не узнают.

We will see whether he will recognize me or not.
Посмотрим, узнает он меня или нет.

Tom didn't recognize Mary's dog.
Том не узнал собаку Мэри.

I thought Tom wouldn't recognize Mary.
Я думал, что Том не узнает Мари.

Do you recognize your phone number?
Ты узнаёшь свой номер телефона?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I recognize We recognize
You recognize You recognize
He/She/It recognizes They recognize
Past Simple
I recognized We recognized
You recognized You recognized
He/She/It recognized They recognized
Future Simple
I will recognize We will recognize
You will recognize You will recognize
He/She/It will recognize They will recognize

Present Continuous
I am recognizing We are recognizing
You are recognizing You are recognizing
He/She/It is recognizing They are recognizing
Past Continuous
I was recognizing We were recognizing
You were recognizing You were recognizing
He/She/It was recognizing They were recognizing
Future Continuous
I will be recognizing We will be recognizing
You will be recognizing You will be recognizing
He/She/It will be recognizing They will be recognizing

Present Perfect
I have recognized We have recognized
You have recognized You have recognized
He/She/It has recognized They have recognized
Past Perfect
I had recognized We had recognized
You had recognized You had recognized
He/She/It had recognized They had recognized
Future Perfect
I will have recognized We will have recognized
You will have recognized You will have recognized
He/She/It will have recognized They will have recognized

md5 hash от слова recognize: 61351880347bd84b28c7f42d779cde94


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