

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): recruits.

Синонимы: recruiting, recruitment, enlisting, enlistment, admission, apprentice, array, attracting, attraction, basket, beginner, bevy, calling, collection, colt.

  1. новобранец

    young recruits
    молодые новобранцы

    new recruit
    новый рекрут

  2. новичок

    potential recruit
    потенциальный новичок

  3. вербовка
  4. набор
  5. привлечение
  6. наем

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): recruited.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): recruited.

Синонимы: hire, invite, accumulate, allure, attract, call, conscript, engage, enlarge, enrich, enrol, fill, gain, gather, glean.

  1. вербовать

    recruit supporters
    вербовать сторонников

    recruit soldiers
    нанимать солдат

  2. набирать

    recruit staff
    набирать сотрудников

  3. привлекать
  4. пополнить
  5. подбирать
  6. призывать
  7. навербовать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений recruit на 1 миллион слов: 7.

Примеры предложений

The plan is to recruit 5 Java engineers before the end of next month.
План состоит в том, чтобы нанять пять инженеров Java до конца следующего месяца.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I recruit We recruit
You recruit You recruit
He/She/It recruits They recruit
Past Simple
I recruited We recruited
You recruited You recruited
He/She/It recruited They recruited
Future Simple
I will recruit We will recruit
You will recruit You will recruit
He/She/It will recruit They will recruit

Present Continuous
I am recruiting We are recruiting
You are recruiting You are recruiting
He/She/It is recruiting They are recruiting
Past Continuous
I was recruiting We were recruiting
You were recruiting You were recruiting
He/She/It was recruiting They were recruiting
Future Continuous
I will be recruiting We will be recruiting
You will be recruiting You will be recruiting
He/She/It will be recruiting They will be recruiting

Present Perfect
I have recruited We have recruited
You have recruited You have recruited
He/She/It has recruited They have recruited
Past Perfect
I had recruited We had recruited
You had recruited You had recruited
He/She/It had recruited They had recruited
Future Perfect
I will have recruited We will have recruited
You will have recruited You will have recruited
He/She/It will have recruited They will have recruited

md5 hash от слова recruit: c5a5adb4becbec9d63074dcb70a2fa03


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