

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): screams.

Синонимы: clamor, cry, crying, hoot, howl, outcry, shout, wail, yell.

  1. крик

    dying scream
    предсмертный крик

    piercing scream
    пронзительный вопль

    shrill scream
    пронзительный визг

  2. умора

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): screamed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): screamed.

Синонимы: clamor, cry, exclaim, holler, hoot, howl, rant, shout, yell.

  1. кричать

    scream loud
    кричать громко

    scream again
    закричать снова

  2. завизжать
  3. выть


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и scream: creams.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений scream на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

With a scream the spectators scattered.
Зрители с криком разбежались.

Tom stifled a scream.
Том подавил крик.

Please don't scream at me.
Пожалуйста, не ори на меня.

I would scream very loudly if I saw a scorpion in my room.
Я бы громко кричала, если бы нашла скорпиона в своей комнате.

I definitely heard a scream.
Я определённо слышала крик.

Don't scream, or I'll scream louder.
Не кричи, или я буду кричать громче.

A scream broke the silence.
Тишину разорвал вопль.

Don't scream in my ear!
Не ори мне в ухо!

We were frightened by a savage scream.
Нас испугал дикий крик.

With a scream, the spectators scattered.
Зрители с криком разбежались.

I tried to scream.
Я пытался кричать.

I told Tom not to scream.
Я сказал Тому, чтобы он не кричал.

Tom heard Mary scream.
Том услышал, как Мэри кричала.

I'll scream.
Я буду кричать.

Don't scream.
Не кричите.

Let me go or I'll scream.
Отпустите меня, или я закричу.

He'll scream.
Он будет кричать.

We'll scream.
Мы будем кричать.

Didn't you hear Tom scream?
Вы не слышали, как Том кричал?

Tom will scream.
Том будет кричать.

I'm going to scream.
Сейчас я закричу!

I heard you scream.
Я слышал, как вы кричали.

I just heard someone scream.
Я только что слышал чей-то крик.

I wanted to scream.
Я хотел закричать.

Didn't you hear a scream?
Разве ты не слышала крик?

I want to scream.
Я хочу закричать.

Don't let him scream.
Не позволяйте ему кричать.

I started to scream.
Я начал кричать.

Scream it loud!
Кричи это громко!


Формы глагола

Present Simple
I scream We scream
You scream You scream
He/She/It screams They scream
Past Simple
I screamed We screamed
You screamed You screamed
He/She/It screamed They screamed
Future Simple
I will scream We will scream
You will scream You will scream
He/She/It will scream They will scream

Present Continuous
I am screaming We are screaming
You are screaming You are screaming
He/She/It is screaming They are screaming
Past Continuous
I was screaming We were screaming
You were screaming You were screaming
He/She/It was screaming They were screaming
Future Continuous
I will be screaming We will be screaming
You will be screaming You will be screaming
He/She/It will be screaming They will be screaming

Present Perfect
I have screamed We have screamed
You have screamed You have screamed
He/She/It has screamed They have screamed
Past Perfect
I had screamed We had screamed
You had screamed You had screamed
He/She/It had screamed They had screamed
Future Perfect
I will have screamed We will have screamed
You will have screamed You will have screamed
He/She/It will have screamed They will have screamed

md5 hash от слова scream: ac67675aae438dfe9cf6f61fc9df81d2


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