

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): slaughters.

Синонимы: butchery, shambles, slaughterhouse.

  1. бойня

    senseless slaughter
    бессмысленная бойня

    wholesale slaughter
    массовое убийство

    mass slaughter
    массовая резня

    slaughter of the innocents
    избиение младенцев

  2. убой

    slaughter of pigs
    убой свиней

    cattle slaughter
    забой скота

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): slaughtered.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): slaughtered.

Синонимы: assassinate, butcher, clog, cut, grate, kill, murder, outbid, slay, smash.

  1. убивать
  2. забивать

    slaughter animals
    забивать животных

  3. резать
  4. перебить
  5. истребить
  6. закалывать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: destructive, lethal, slaughtering, smashing.

  1. убойный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений slaughter на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

Where did you slaughter them?
Где ты их прирезал?

He immediately follows her, like an ox to the slaughter.
Он ходит за ней хвостом безропотно, как бык, которого ведут на бойню.

The enemy committed a horrible slaughter in the city.
Неприятель учинил ужасную бойню в городе.

He knows how to slaughter a sheep.
Он умеет резать овец.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I slaughter We slaughter
You slaughter You slaughter
He/She/It slaughters They slaughter
Past Simple
I slaughtered We slaughtered
You slaughtered You slaughtered
He/She/It slaughtered They slaughtered
Future Simple
I will slaughter We will slaughter
You will slaughter You will slaughter
He/She/It will slaughter They will slaughter

Present Continuous
I am slaughtering We are slaughtering
You are slaughtering You are slaughtering
He/She/It is slaughtering They are slaughtering
Past Continuous
I was slaughtering We were slaughtering
You were slaughtering You were slaughtering
He/She/It was slaughtering They were slaughtering
Future Continuous
I will be slaughtering We will be slaughtering
You will be slaughtering You will be slaughtering
He/She/It will be slaughtering They will be slaughtering

Present Perfect
I have slaughtered We have slaughtered
You have slaughtered You have slaughtered
He/She/It has slaughtered They have slaughtered
Past Perfect
I had slaughtered We had slaughtered
You had slaughtered You had slaughtered
He/She/It had slaughtered They had slaughtered
Future Perfect
I will have slaughtered We will have slaughtered
You will have slaughtered You will have slaughtered
He/She/It will have slaughtered They will have slaughtered

md5 hash от слова slaughter: fe892da78dea62bd796de55eb14c0f21


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