

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): surveys.

Синонимы: surveillance, surveying, exploration, inquiry, investigation, acquisition, canvassing, capture, coverage, enquiry, espionage, examining, exploring, footage, imagery.

  1. опрос

    public opinion survey
    опрос общественного мнения

    survey of local residents
    опрос местных жителей

    anonymous survey
    анонимное анкетирование

  2. обследование

    findings of this survey
    результаты этого обследования

    survey of living conditions
    обследование условий жизни

    preliminary survey
    предварительный осмотр

    annual survey
    ежегодное освидетельствование

  3. исследование

    seismic survey
    сейсмическое исследование

    engineering survey
    инженерные изыскания

    geologic survey
    геологическое изучение

  4. обзор

    analytical survey
    аналитический обзор

    economic survey
    экономическое обозрение

  5. съемка

    airborne geophysical survey
    аэрогеофизическая съемка

  6. межевание
  7. наблюдение

    sample survey
    выборочное наблюдение

  8. разведка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): surveyed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): surveyed.

Синонимы: explore, observe, overlook.

  1. обследовать
  2. обозревать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: film-making, overview, review, shooting, surveillance, surveying, surveyor.

  1. обзорный

    survey report
    обзорный доклад

  2. сюрвейерский

    survey company
    сюрвейерская компания

  3. съемочный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений survey на 1 миллион слов: 61.

Примеры предложений

This survey is too long to finish quickly.
Этот опрос слишком долгий, чтобы закончить его быстро.

According to a survey, three in five people today are indifferent to foreign affairs.
В соответствии с проведенным исследованием, трое из пяти людей безразличны к международным делам.

A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.
Недавнее исследование показывает, что число курящих уменьшается.

He participated in an online survey.
Он принял участие в онлайн-опросе.

A survey shows that many businessmen skip lunch.
Исследование показывает, что многие бизнесмены пропускают ланч.

The results of the survey will be announced at the appropriate time.
Результаты исследования будут объявлены своевременно.

I want to start with doing a small survey.
Я хочу начать с небольшого опроса.

We're conducting a survey.
Мы проводим опрос.

Thanks for taking part in this survey!
Спасибо, что приняли участие в этом опросе!

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I survey We survey
You survey You survey
He/She/It surveys They survey
Past Simple
I surveyed We surveyed
You surveyed You surveyed
He/She/It surveyed They surveyed
Future Simple
I will survey We will survey
You will survey You will survey
He/She/It will survey They will survey

Present Continuous
I am surveying We are surveying
You are surveying You are surveying
He/She/It is surveying They are surveying
Past Continuous
I was surveying We were surveying
You were surveying You were surveying
He/She/It was surveying They were surveying
Future Continuous
I will be surveying We will be surveying
You will be surveying You will be surveying
He/She/It will be surveying They will be surveying

Present Perfect
I have surveyed We have surveyed
You have surveyed You have surveyed
He/She/It has surveyed They have surveyed
Past Perfect
I had surveyed We had surveyed
You had surveyed You had surveyed
He/She/It had surveyed They had surveyed
Future Perfect
I will have surveyed We will have surveyed
You will have surveyed You will have surveyed
He/She/It will have surveyed They will have surveyed

md5 hash от слова survey: 2fa7b041eea9ee875e012bac495a639c


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