

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): trails.

Синонимы: circuit, clue, course, dent, dint, footprint, line, mark, scar, scent, sign, slope, spoor, stub, trace.

  1. след

    audit trail
    аудиторский след

    nature trail
    туристская тропа

    narrow trail
    узкая тропинка

    trail of tears
    путь слез

    bicycle trail
    велосипедная дорожка

  2. шлейф

    long trail
    длинный хвост

  3. трасса

    mountain bike trails
    трассы для горных велосипедов

    trails of varying difficulty
    трасс различной сложности

    marked hiking trails
    туристические маршруты

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): trailed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): trailed.

Синонимы: dog, drag, droop, haul, lag, lug, slouch, spoor, tow, tug.

  1. тащить
  2. отставать
  3. свисать
  4. выслеживать
  5. волочиться
  6. стелиться


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и trail: trial.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений trail на 1 миллион слов: 49.

Примеры предложений

Tom and Mary went hiking. Mary pooped behind a bush on the trail.
Том и Мэри пошли в поход. Мэри покакала под придорожным кустом.

Tom used his machete to clear the trail.
Том прокладывал себе путь при помощи мачете.

There is a trail that goes through the forest.
Через лес проходит тропа.

Where does this trail lead?
Куда ведёт этот маршрут?

The fox trail leads to a burrow.
Лисий след ведёт к норе.

trail ruins
руины былых времён

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I trail We trail
You trail You trail
He/She/It trails They trail
Past Simple
I trailed We trailed
You trailed You trailed
He/She/It trailed They trailed
Future Simple
I will trail We will trail
You will trail You will trail
He/She/It will trail They will trail

Present Continuous
I am trailing We are trailing
You are trailing You are trailing
He/She/It is trailing They are trailing
Past Continuous
I was trailing We were trailing
You were trailing You were trailing
He/She/It was trailing They were trailing
Future Continuous
I will be trailing We will be trailing
You will be trailing You will be trailing
He/She/It will be trailing They will be trailing

Present Perfect
I have trailed We have trailed
You have trailed You have trailed
He/She/It has trailed They have trailed
Past Perfect
I had trailed We had trailed
You had trailed You had trailed
He/She/It had trailed They had trailed
Future Perfect
I will have trailed We will have trailed
You will have trailed You will have trailed
He/She/It will have trailed They will have trailed

md5 hash от слова trail: c6b8b33047926e58b9393538e37b8bf0


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