

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): underwent.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): undergone.

Синонимы: go, occur, be, derive, descend, elapse, emanate, endure, ensue, hail, inflict, originate, pass, penetrate, permeate.

  1. претерпеть

    undergo a test
    подвергаться испытанию

    undergo surgery
    перенести операцию

  2. проходить

    undergo rehabilitation
    проходить реабилитацию

  3. происходить
  4. подвергнуть
  5. полечиться

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений undergo на 1 миллион слов: 12.

Примеры предложений

The new engine must undergo all the necessary tests.
Новый двигатель должен пройти все необходимые испытания.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I undergo We undergo
You undergo You undergo
He/She/It undergoes They undergo
Past Simple
I underwent We underwent
You underwent You underwent
He/She/It underwent They underwent
Future Simple
I will undergo We will undergo
You will undergo You will undergo
He/She/It will undergo They will undergo

Present Continuous
I am undergoing We are undergoing
You are undergoing You are undergoing
He/She/It is undergoing They are undergoing
Past Continuous
I was undergoing We were undergoing
You were undergoing You were undergoing
He/She/It was undergoing They were undergoing
Future Continuous
I will be undergoing We will be undergoing
You will be undergoing You will be undergoing
He/She/It will be undergoing They will be undergoing

Present Perfect
I have undergone We have undergone
You have undergone You have undergone
He/She/It has undergone They have undergone
Past Perfect
I had undergone We had undergone
You had undergone You had undergone
He/She/It had undergone They had undergone
Future Perfect
I will have undergone We will have undergone
You will have undergone You will have undergone
He/She/It will have undergone They will have undergone

md5 hash от слова undergo: 56e17e3990c9711564614aade970cd3f



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