

verb глагол

Синонимы: accumulate, add-up, clasp, combine, compose, deny, disavow, disown, forsake, lay, recant, renounce, repudiate, resign.

  1. отрекаться

    abdicate the throne
    отречься от престола

  2. отрекаться от престола
  3. сложить
  4. отречься от власти
  5. отказаться от власти

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений abdicate на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

The Emperor Akihito of Japan has announced his intention to abdicate.
Император Японии Акихито объявил о намерении отречься от престола.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I abdicate We abdicate
You abdicate You abdicate
He/She/It abdicates They abdicate
Past Simple
I abdicated We abdicated
You abdicated You abdicated
He/She/It abdicated They abdicated
Future Simple
I will abdicate We will abdicate
You will abdicate You will abdicate
He/She/It will abdicate They will abdicate

Present Continuous
I am abdicating We are abdicating
You are abdicating You are abdicating
He/She/It is abdicating They are abdicating
Past Continuous
I was abdicating We were abdicating
You were abdicating You were abdicating
He/She/It was abdicating They were abdicating
Future Continuous
I will be abdicating We will be abdicating
You will be abdicating You will be abdicating
He/She/It will be abdicating They will be abdicating

Present Perfect
I have abdicated We have abdicated
You have abdicated You have abdicated
He/She/It has abdicated They have abdicated
Past Perfect
I had abdicated We had abdicated
You had abdicated You had abdicated
He/She/It had abdicated They had abdicated
Future Perfect
I will have abdicated We will have abdicated
You will have abdicated You will have abdicated
He/She/It will have abdicated They will have abdicated

md5 hash от слова abdicate: 3b1bbc2715b167e7d6b4e617800f8046



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