

verb глагол

Синонимы: cede, comply, concede, defer, surrender, yield.

  1. уступать
  2. молча согласиться
  3. согласиться
  4. молча соглашаться
  5. неохотно соглашаться

Примеры предложений

He will never acquiesce.
Он никогда не согласится.

Tom will never acquiesce.
Том никогда не согласится.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I acquiesce We acquiesce
You acquiesce You acquiesce
He/She/It acquiesces They acquiesce
Past Simple
I acquiesced We acquiesced
You acquiesced You acquiesced
He/She/It acquiesced They acquiesced
Future Simple
I will acquiesce We will acquiesce
You will acquiesce You will acquiesce
He/She/It will acquiesce They will acquiesce

Present Continuous
I am acquiescing We are acquiescing
You are acquiescing You are acquiescing
He/She/It is acquiescing They are acquiescing
Past Continuous
I was acquiescing We were acquiescing
You were acquiescing You were acquiescing
He/She/It was acquiescing They were acquiescing
Future Continuous
I will be acquiescing We will be acquiescing
You will be acquiescing You will be acquiescing
He/She/It will be acquiescing They will be acquiescing

Present Perfect
I have acquiesced We have acquiesced
You have acquiesced You have acquiesced
He/She/It has acquiesced They have acquiesced
Past Perfect
I had acquiesced We had acquiesced
You had acquiesced You had acquiesced
He/She/It had acquiesced They had acquiesced
Future Perfect
I will have acquiesced We will have acquiesced
You will have acquiesced You will have acquiesced
He/She/It will have acquiesced They will have acquiesced

md5 hash от слова acquiesce: 2f38a131b80b048f96eb167d685fa1de


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