

verb глагол

Синонимы: assuage, gratify, indulge, placate, satisfy, accommodate, allay, console, fulfil, fulfill, humor, humour, lull, mollify, pacify.

  1. успокаивать
  2. умиротворять

    appease the gods
    умилостивить богов

  3. ублажать
  4. потакать
  5. утолять

    appease hunger
    утолить голод

  6. удовлетворять

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений appease на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

One way Germany hopes to reduce its carbon footprint – and appease the young climate activists – is by rolling out new and innovative trains.
Один из способов, которым Германия надеется сократить свой углеродный след – и успокоить молодых активистов в области климата – это запустить новые и инновационные поезда.

Drink water to appease one's thirst.
Пейте воду, чтобы утолить жажду.

Management tried to appease labor by offering them a bonus.
Руководство пыталось успокоить рабочих, предложив им премию.

Why do you always try to appease women? Do you feel guilty?
Почему ты всегда пытаешься успокоить женщин? Ты чувствуешь себя виноватым?

Only a sincere apology will appease my anger.
Только искренние извинения успокоят мой гнев.

Tom likes to complain in order to appease his envious neighbors.
Том любит жаловаться, чтобы успокоить своих завистливых соседей.

Being full is: completely satisfying the desire to appease your hunger.
Быть сытым - это: полностью удовлетворить желание утолить свой голод.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I appease We appease
You appease You appease
He/She/It appeases They appease
Past Simple
I appeased We appeased
You appeased You appeased
He/She/It appeased They appeased
Future Simple
I will appease We will appease
You will appease You will appease
He/She/It will appease They will appease

Present Continuous
I am appeasing We are appeasing
You are appeasing You are appeasing
He/She/It is appeasing They are appeasing
Past Continuous
I was appeasing We were appeasing
You were appeasing You were appeasing
He/She/It was appeasing They were appeasing
Future Continuous
I will be appeasing We will be appeasing
You will be appeasing You will be appeasing
He/She/It will be appeasing They will be appeasing

Present Perfect
I have appeased We have appeased
You have appeased You have appeased
He/She/It has appeased They have appeased
Past Perfect
I had appeased We had appeased
You had appeased You had appeased
He/She/It had appeased They had appeased
Future Perfect
I will have appeased We will have appeased
You will have appeased You will have appeased
He/She/It will have appeased They will have appeased

md5 hash от слова appease: 46fedf1e6412728ca99858bec6e9ebbc


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