

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): arches.

Синонимы: archway, arc, arcade, arching, bend, bending, bent, buckling, crook, curve, ear, flex, flexure, jog, kink.

  1. арка

    lancet arch
    стрельчатая арка

    longitudinal arch
    продольный свод

    dental arch
    зубная дуга

  2. аркада
  3. изгиб
  4. свод стопы
  5. дужка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): arched.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): arched.
  1. выгнуть

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): archer.

Синонимы: arc, playful, vaulted, wicked.

  1. лукавый
  2. сводчатый

    steel arch bridge
    стальной арочный мост

    tall arched windows
    высокие арочные окна

  3. дуговой


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и arch: char.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений arch на 1 миллион слов: 15.

Примеры предложений

Cats arch their backs.
Кошки выгибают спину.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I arch We arch
You arch You arch
He/She/It arches They arch
Past Simple
I arched We arched
You arched You arched
He/She/It arched They arched
Future Simple
I will arch We will arch
You will arch You will arch
He/She/It will arch They will arch

Present Continuous
I am arching We are arching
You are arching You are arching
He/She/It is arching They are arching
Past Continuous
I was arching We were arching
You were arching You were arching
He/She/It was arching They were arching
Future Continuous
I will be arching We will be arching
You will be arching You will be arching
He/She/It will be arching They will be arching

Present Perfect
I have arched We have arched
You have arched You have arched
He/She/It has arched They have arched
Past Perfect
I had arched We had arched
You had arched You had arched
He/She/It had arched They had arched
Future Perfect
I will have arched We will have arched
You will have arched You will have arched
He/She/It will have arched They will have arched

md5 hash от слова arch: d6194c68fcc7e79bb57401be603cb1cc


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