

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): arrows.

Синонимы: arm, bolt, boom, dart, outrigger, shaft, wraith.

  1. стрела

    red arrow
    красная стрела

    double arrow
    двойная стрелка

    green arrow
    зеленая стрелочка

  2. клавиши со стрелками
  3. Эрроу

verb глагол

  1. использовать стрелку

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: needle, pointer, switch.

  1. стрелочный
  2. стреловидный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений arrow на 1 миллион слов: 15.

Примеры предложений

Native Americans fought with bow and arrow.
Коренные американцы воевали с луком и стрелами.

An arrow passed through the hawk.
Стрела прошла сквозь ястреба.

The arrow fell wide of the mark.
Стрела упала далеко от отметки.

The arrow whistled within three inches of his head.
Стрела просвистела в трёх дюймах от его головы.

The arrow missed its target.
Стрела пролетела мимо цели.

He was struck by Cupid's arrow.
Его пронзила стрела Купидона.

The arrow missed him and hit a tree.
Стрела пролетела мимо него и попала в дерево.

Tom was shot through the heart with an arrow from a crossbow.
Том был застрелен в сердце стрелой из арбалета.

When he was about to shoot the thirtieth arrow, the archer realised that his quiver was empty.
Собираясь пустить тридцатую стрелу, лучник обнаружил, что колчан пуст.

Tom was killed with a poisoned arrow.
Том был убит отравленной стрелой.

Time flies like an arrow.
Временные мухи любят стрелу.

The shot rang out, and the deer, like an arrow, rushed forward.
Вот грянул выстрел, и олень, как стрела, понёсся вперёд.

An arrow pierced his liver.
Стрела пронзила ему печень.

He shot an arrow at the deer.
Он пустил стрелу в оленя.

He shot an arrow at the soldier.
Он пустил стрелу в солдата.

I took an arrow in the knee.
Мне в колено попала стрела.

Tom was shot with a poisoned arrow.
В Тома попала отравленная стрела.

I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
Когда-то и меня вела дорога приключений — а потом мне прострелили колено.

The arrow pierced the thick board.
Стрела пронзила толстую доску.

The arrow indicates the way to Tokyo.
Стрелка указывает дорогу на Токио.

The arrow hit the target.
Стрела попала в цель.

The arrow indicates the way to go.
Стрелка указывает направление движения.

Tom pulled the arrow out of Mary's leg.
Том выдернул стрелу из ноги Мэри.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
Время летит как стрела; фрукт летит как банан.

Tom came close to being killed by a stray arrow.
В Тома чуть было не попала шальная стрела.

Give me your arrow.
Дайте мне свою стрелу.

Give me the arrow.
Дайте мне стрелу.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I arrow We arrow
You arrow You arrow
He/She/It arrows They arrow
Past Simple
I arrowed We arrowed
You arrowed You arrowed
He/She/It arrowed They arrowed
Future Simple
I will arrow We will arrow
You will arrow You will arrow
He/She/It will arrow They will arrow

Present Continuous
I am arrowing We are arrowing
You are arrowing You are arrowing
He/She/It is arrowing They are arrowing
Past Continuous
I was arrowing We were arrowing
You were arrowing You were arrowing
He/She/It was arrowing They were arrowing
Future Continuous
I will be arrowing We will be arrowing
You will be arrowing You will be arrowing
He/She/It will be arrowing They will be arrowing

Present Perfect
I have arrowed We have arrowed
You have arrowed You have arrowed
He/She/It has arrowed They have arrowed
Past Perfect
I had arrowed We had arrowed
You had arrowed You had arrowed
He/She/It had arrowed They had arrowed
Future Perfect
I will have arrowed We will have arrowed
You will have arrowed You will have arrowed
He/She/It will have arrowed They will have arrowed

md5 hash от слова arrow: 9022a153e6190f10d9b57aa4232b8aea


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