

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): bandages.

Синонимы: band, cast, ligature, patch, sling.

  1. повязка

    gauze bandage
    марлевая повязка

    elastic bandage
    эластичный бандаж

    medical bandage
    медицинский бинт

  2. перевязка
  3. давящая повязка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): bandaged.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): bandaged.
  1. перевязывать

    bandage wounds
    перевязать раны

  2. наложить повязку
  3. накладывать повязку
  4. прибинтовать

adjective прилагательное

  1. бандажный

Примеры предложений

Tom had a bandage on his left hand.
Левая рука у Тома была забинтована.

You can take off the bandage tomorrow.
Можешь снять повязку завтра.

Loosen the bandage a little.
Немного ослабь повязку.

I've broken my arm, so I have to wear a bandage for the whole week.
Я сломал руку, и мне теперь придётся носить повязку целую неделю.

She applied a bandage to my hurt finger.
Она наложила бинт на мой пораненный палец.

She applied a bandage to the wound.
Она наложила повязку на рану.

Mother put a bandage on Jim's cut.
Мама перевязала порез Джима.

He cleansed the wound before putting on a bandage.
Он промыл рану, прежде чем наложить повязку.

You'd better bandage the wound at once.
Вам лучше бы сразу забинтовать рану.

We must bandage the wound immediately.
Мы должны немедленно перевязать рану.

She wrapped the bandage tightly around the arm.
Она плотно обмотала руку бинтом.

The nurse dressed the wound with a bandage.
Медсестра перевязала рану бинтом.

Tom carefully removed the bandage.
Том аккуратно снял повязку.

We need to change your bandage.
Нам нужно сменить тебе повязку.

Remove the bandage.
Снимите повязку.

I need to change that bandage.
Мне надо сменить эту повязку.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I bandage We bandage
You bandage You bandage
He/She/It bandages They bandage
Past Simple
I bandaged We bandaged
You bandaged You bandaged
He/She/It bandaged They bandaged
Future Simple
I will bandage We will bandage
You will bandage You will bandage
He/She/It will bandage They will bandage

Present Continuous
I am bandaging We are bandaging
You are bandaging You are bandaging
He/She/It is bandaging They are bandaging
Past Continuous
I was bandaging We were bandaging
You were bandaging You were bandaging
He/She/It was bandaging They were bandaging
Future Continuous
I will be bandaging We will be bandaging
You will be bandaging You will be bandaging
He/She/It will be bandaging They will be bandaging

Present Perfect
I have bandaged We have bandaged
You have bandaged You have bandaged
He/She/It has bandaged They have bandaged
Past Perfect
I had bandaged We had bandaged
You had bandaged You had bandaged
He/She/It had bandaged They had bandaged
Future Perfect
I will have bandaged We will have bandaged
You will have bandaged You will have bandaged
He/She/It will have bandaged They will have bandaged

md5 hash от слова bandage: 7e0c8a3fd825a5f9717576299d64cc80


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