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verb глагол
adjective прилагательное
Синонимы: accursed, blamed, blasted, blood, bloodstained, bloodthirsty, confounded, crimson, cursed, damn, damned, dang, darn, fucking, murderous.
bloody mary
кровавая мэри
bloody civil war
кровавая гражданская война
bloody military coup
кровавый военный переворот
bloody struggle
кровопролитная борьба
bloody dog
проклятая собака
Кол-во употреблений bloody на 1 миллион слов: 12.
There was not a bloody soul.
Там не было ни одной живой души.
Where the bloody hell are you?
Где тебя черти носят?
The signature of the armistice put an end to years of bloody conflicts, heavy in human and material losses.
Подписание перемирия положило конец годам кровавых конфликтов с тяжелыми людскими и материальными потерями.
It's bloody freezing here!
Здесь чертовски холодно.
I didn't take your bloody car, for crying out loud!
С ума сойти! Да не брал я твою проклятую машину!
My poor uncle was there, lying on his bloody bed, with a dagger lodged deeply in his heart.
Несчастный дядя мой лежал мертвый на своей окровавленной постели, с кинжалом, глубоко вонзённым в его сердце.
Shut that bloody door!
Закройте эту чёртову дверь!
The police detective found a bloody knife.
Детектив полиции нашёл окровавленный нож.
Who the bloody hell do you think YOU are, mate?
А кто, чёрт побери, по-твоему, ТЫ такой, приятель?
Close the bloody door.
Закройте эту чёртову дверь.
Tom was holding a bloody knife in his hand when the police entered the room.
Том держал в руке окровавленный нож, когда в комнате появилась полиция.
Bloody hell!
Чёрт побери!
Present Simple | |
I bloody | We bloody |
You bloody | You bloody |
He/She/It bloodies | They bloody |
Past Simple | |
I bloodied | We bloodied |
You bloodied | You bloodied |
He/She/It bloodied | They bloodied |
Future Simple | |
I will bloody | We will bloody |
You will bloody | You will bloody |
He/She/It will bloody | They will bloody |
Present Continuous | |
I am bloodying | We are bloodying |
You are bloodying | You are bloodying |
He/She/It is bloodying | They are bloodying |
Past Continuous | |
I was bloodying | We were bloodying |
You were bloodying | You were bloodying |
He/She/It was bloodying | They were bloodying |
Future Continuous | |
I will be bloodying | We will be bloodying |
You will be bloodying | You will be bloodying |
He/She/It will be bloodying | They will be bloodying |
Present Perfect | |
I have bloodied | We have bloodied |
You have bloodied | You have bloodied |
He/She/It has bloodied | They have bloodied |
Past Perfect | |
I had bloodied | We had bloodied |
You had bloodied | You had bloodied |
He/She/It had bloodied | They had bloodied |
Future Perfect | |
I will have bloodied | We will have bloodied |
You will have bloodied | You will have bloodied |
He/She/It will have bloodied | They will have bloodied |
Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову bloody. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.