

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): boots.

Синонимы: booth, bootstrap, bootstrapping, bottle, bout, carrier, firing, initiate, initiation, launch, launcher, launching, rack, rubble, run.

  1. ботинок

    leather boot
    кожаный ботинок

    winter boot
    зимний сапог

    heavy boot
    тяжелый башмак

  2. багажник

    car boot
    багажник машины

  3. запуск

    boot process
    процесс загрузки

  4. начальная загрузка
  5. бутсы

    new boots
    новые бутсы

  6. бут
  7. ботиночек

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): booted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): booted.
  1. загрузиться

    boot the system
    загрузить систему

  2. загружаться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: bootable, bootstrap, charging, loadable, loader, startup.

  1. загрузочный

    boot disk
    загрузочный диск

    master boot record
    главная загрузочная запись

    boot sector virus
    загрузочный вирус

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений boot на 1 миллион слов: 8.

Примеры предложений

My computer crashed and now it won't boot up.
Мой компьютер отключился и теперь не хочет загружаться.

A wife is not a boot. You can't just kick her off.
Жена не сапог — с ноги не скинешь.

My computer doesn't boot up anymore.
У меня компьютер перестал загружаться.

The dog chewed up my boot.
Собака сжевала мой ботинок.

The man ran into the room wearing a boot on his head, shouted a bunch of gibberish, and promptly exited.
В комнату вбежал человек с башмаком на голове, выкрикнул какую-то чушь и внезапно вышел.

My boot fell into the fire.
Мой ботинок упал в огонь.

My computer won't boot up.
У меня компьютер не загружается.

My luggage is in the boot.
Мои вещи в багажнике.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I boot We boot
You boot You boot
He/She/It boots They boot
Past Simple
I booted We booted
You booted You booted
He/She/It booted They booted
Future Simple
I will boot We will boot
You will boot You will boot
He/She/It will boot They will boot

Present Continuous
I am booting We are booting
You are booting You are booting
He/She/It is booting They are booting
Past Continuous
I was booting We were booting
You were booting You were booting
He/She/It was booting They were booting
Future Continuous
I will be booting We will be booting
You will be booting You will be booting
He/She/It will be booting They will be booting

Present Perfect
I have booted We have booted
You have booted You have booted
He/She/It has booted They have booted
Past Perfect
I had booted We had booted
You had booted You had booted
He/She/It had booted They had booted
Future Perfect
I will have booted We will have booted
You will have booted You will have booted
He/She/It will have booted They will have booted

md5 hash от слова boot: 881cc4157ed641a365a86452f27ed745


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