

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): bribes.

Синонимы: graft, kickback, payoff.

  1. взятка

    accept bribes
    брать взятки

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): bribed.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): bribed.

Синонимы: corrupt.

  1. подкупать
  2. давать взятку
  3. платить взятки

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений bribe на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Don't try to bribe me.
Не пытайтесь меня подкупить.

Did Tom bribe Mary?
Том подкупил Мэри?

You can't bribe that judge.
Тебе не подкупить этого судью.

The mayor denied having taken a bribe.
Мэр отрицал факт получения взятки.

Everybody suspected him of taking a bribe.
Все подозревали его во взяточничестве.

He denied that he had accepted the bribe.
Он отказался признавать факт получения взятки.

They attempted in vain to bribe the witness.
Они безуспешно пытались подкупить свидетеля.

You won't be able to bribe Tom.
Ты не сможешь подкупить Тома.

Are you attempting to bribe me?
Вы пытаетесь меня подкупить?

Tom admitted he had accepted a bribe.
Том признался в получении взятки.

She talked him into accepting the bribe.
Она уговорила его принять взятку.

I gave Tom a bribe.
Я дал Тому взятку.

He refused to admit that he had received a bribe.
Он отказался признавать факт получения взятки.

He refused to acknowledge having received a bribe.
Он отказался признавать факт получения взятки.

Tom gave the police officer a bribe.
Том дал взятку полицейскому.

I bribe police officers not with money, but with logic.
Я подкупаю полицейских не деньгами, а логикой.

I can't believe you're trying to bribe me.
Я не могу поверить, что ты пытаешься подкупить меня.

For a bribe, a traffic policeman agreed not to take away a driver's license.
Гаишник за взятку согласился не отбирать водительские права.

Tom denied that he had accepted the bribe.
Том отрицал, что принял взятку.

He refused to take the bribe.
Он отказался принять взятку.

Did you or did you not accept the bribe?
Так вы получили взятку или нет?

It's not a bribe.
Это не взятка.

She expected him to take the bribe.
Она ожидала, что он примет взятку.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I bribe We bribe
You bribe You bribe
He/She/It bribes They bribe
Past Simple
I bribed We bribed
You bribed You bribed
He/She/It bribed They bribed
Future Simple
I will bribe We will bribe
You will bribe You will bribe
He/She/It will bribe They will bribe

Present Continuous
I am bribing We are bribing
You are bribing You are bribing
He/She/It is bribing They are bribing
Past Continuous
I was bribing We were bribing
You were bribing You were bribing
He/She/It was bribing They were bribing
Future Continuous
I will be bribing We will be bribing
You will be bribing You will be bribing
He/She/It will be bribing They will be bribing

Present Perfect
I have bribed We have bribed
You have bribed You have bribed
He/She/It has bribed They have bribed
Past Perfect
I had bribed We had bribed
You had bribed You had bribed
He/She/It had bribed They had bribed
Future Perfect
I will have bribed We will have bribed
You will have bribed You will have bribed
He/She/It will have bribed They will have bribed

md5 hash от слова bribe: ebb30c963313e2d1cb706b07d3e0de9b


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