

noun существительное

Синонимы: magnesia, whiting.

  1. мел

    piece of chalk
    кусок мела

  2. магнезия

verb глагол

  1. рисовать мелом
  2. мелить

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): chalker.

Синонимы: chalky.

  1. меловой

    chalk line
    меловая линия

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений chalk на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

Tom put the chalk down.
Том положил мел.

Please bring me two pieces of chalk.
Принесите мне два кусочка мела, пожалуйста.

Give me three pieces of chalk.
Дайте мне три кусочка мела.

Bring me two pieces of chalk.
Принесите мне два кусочка мела.

Tom threw a piece of chalk at me.
Том бросил в меня кусок мела.

I once had a teacher who used to throw chalk at inattentive students and those very students then had to bring it back to him.
В школе у меня был учитель, который имел обыкновение бросать мелом в невнимательных учеников, причём они должны были возвращать мел ему.

Children are drawing on the pavement with chalk.
Дети рисуют мелом на асфальте.

What I can't bear is the sound of chalk squeaking on a chalkboard.
Чего я не переношу, так это скрипящий звук мела, который движется по доске.

I hate chalk. It leaves powder on your hands.
Ненавижу мел. Он оставляет пыль на руках.

Give me two pieces of chalk.
Дай мне два кусочка мела.

Tom was white as chalk.
Том был белый как мел.

He was white as chalk.
Он был белый как мел.

She was white as chalk.
Она была белая как мел.

It is not easy to write with chalk.
Писать мелом нелегко.

The teacher put down the chalk.
Учитель положил мел.

Tom put down the chalk.
Том положил мел.

Bring me some blue chalk from the next classroom.
Принеси мне из соседней аудитории синий мел.

The children drew pictures on the sidewalk with chalk.
Дети рисовали мелом на тротуаре.

You're comparing chalk and cheese!
Не путай божий дар с яичницей!

He took out a piece of chalk.
Он вытащил кусок мела.

Give me a piece of chalk.
Дай мне кусочек мела.

Bring me a piece of chalk.
Принесите мне кусочек мела.

It is not easy to write in chalk.
Писать мелом не легко.

I need chalk.
Мне нужен мел.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I chalk We chalk
You chalk You chalk
He/She/It chalks They chalk
Past Simple
I chalked We chalked
You chalked You chalked
He/She/It chalked They chalked
Future Simple
I will chalk We will chalk
You will chalk You will chalk
He/She/It will chalk They will chalk

Present Continuous
I am chalking We are chalking
You are chalking You are chalking
He/She/It is chalking They are chalking
Past Continuous
I was chalking We were chalking
You were chalking You were chalking
He/She/It was chalking They were chalking
Future Continuous
I will be chalking We will be chalking
You will be chalking You will be chalking
He/She/It will be chalking They will be chalking

Present Perfect
I have chalked We have chalked
You have chalked You have chalked
He/She/It has chalked They have chalked
Past Perfect
I had chalked We had chalked
You had chalked You had chalked
He/She/It had chalked They had chalked
Future Perfect
I will have chalked We will have chalked
You will have chalked You will have chalked
He/She/It will have chalked They will have chalked

md5 hash от слова chalk: af2d921c63ecda8cca7754c2fbd2d531


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