

noun существительное

Синонимы: mat, mate, profanity, quilt.

  1. мат

verb глагол

  1. поставить мат
  2. заматовать

Примеры предложений

Шах и мат!

Шах и мат.

You learn a lot by trying to solve chess problems - for example, how in a given position white will checkmate in three moves.
Вы многому научитесь, пытаясь решить шахматные задачи - например, как в данной позиции белые ставят мат за три хода.

Checkmate, atheists.
Шах и мат, атеисты.

The king is strongest in the endgame, when there are only a few pieces left and it can help checkmate the opponent or win pieces.
Король сильнее в конце игры, когда остается всего несколько фигур, и он может помочь поставить мат сопернику или взять фигуры.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I checkmate We checkmate
You checkmate You checkmate
He/She/It checkmates They checkmate
Past Simple
I checkmated We checkmated
You checkmated You checkmated
He/She/It checkmated They checkmated
Future Simple
I will checkmate We will checkmate
You will checkmate You will checkmate
He/She/It will checkmate They will checkmate

Present Continuous
I am checkmating We are checkmating
You are checkmating You are checkmating
He/She/It is checkmating They are checkmating
Past Continuous
I was checkmating We were checkmating
You were checkmating You were checkmating
He/She/It was checkmating They were checkmating
Future Continuous
I will be checkmating We will be checkmating
You will be checkmating You will be checkmating
He/She/It will be checkmating They will be checkmating

Present Perfect
I have checkmated We have checkmated
You have checkmated You have checkmated
He/She/It has checkmated They have checkmated
Past Perfect
I had checkmated We had checkmated
You had checkmated You had checkmated
He/She/It had checkmated They had checkmated
Future Perfect
I will have checkmated We will have checkmated
You will have checkmated You will have checkmated
He/She/It will have checkmated They will have checkmated

md5 hash от слова checkmate: ec7f74ffa2d24e38795e40f50937b96d


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