

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): collided.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): collided.

Синонимы: clash, confront, afoul, conflict, encounter, face, impinge, interfere.

  1. сталкиваться
  2. конфликтовать
  3. наехать
  4. соударяться

adverb наречие

  1. в конфликт

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений collide на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

When a book and a head collide and a hollow sound is heard, must it always have come from the book?
Если происходит столкновение между книгой и головой, сопровождаемое звуком пустотности - всегда ли подобный звук исходит от книги?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I collide We collide
You collide You collide
He/She/It collides They collide
Past Simple
I collided We collided
You collided You collided
He/She/It collided They collided
Future Simple
I will collide We will collide
You will collide You will collide
He/She/It will collide They will collide

Present Continuous
I am colliding We are colliding
You are colliding You are colliding
He/She/It is colliding They are colliding
Past Continuous
I was colliding We were colliding
You were colliding You were colliding
He/She/It was colliding They were colliding
Future Continuous
I will be colliding We will be colliding
You will be colliding You will be colliding
He/She/It will be colliding They will be colliding

Present Perfect
I have collided We have collided
You have collided You have collided
He/She/It has collided They have collided
Past Perfect
I had collided We had collided
You had collided You had collided
He/She/It had collided They had collided
Future Perfect
I will have collided We will have collided
You will have collided You will have collided
He/She/It will have collided They will have collided

md5 hash от слова collide: 7165153ad99a31a59ad274570faf6515


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