

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): compasses.

  1. компас

    electronic compass
    электронный компас

  2. буссоль
  3. радиокомпас
  4. картушка компаса

verb глагол

Синонимы: bypass, circumnavigate, evade, outstrip, sidestep, skirt, traverse.

  1. обходить

adjective прилагательное

  1. компасный

    compass needle
    компасная стрелка

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений compass на 1 миллион слов: 7.

Примеры предложений

Hikers need to carry a compass with them to find their way through the woods.
Туристам, чтобы найти дорогу в лесу, нужно брать с собой компас.

This is beyond the compass of my ability.
Это за пределами моих возможностей.

The compass points to the north.
Компас указывает на север.

It's hard to draw a circle without a compass.
Трудно начертить круг без циркуля.

Compass needles point to the north.
Стрелка компаса показывает на север.

A baby has no moral compass.
У ребёнка нет моральных ориентиров.

Tycho Brahe used only a compass and a sextant to observe the stars.
Тихо Браге при наблюдении за звёздами пользовался только компасом и секстантом.

The compass pointer always seeks north.
Стрелка компаса всегда указывает на север.

This circle was drawn by a compass.
Этот круг был начерчен циркулем.

This compass will be useful on your trip.
Этот компас вам пригодится в дороге.

A society without religion is like a ship without a compass.
Общество без религии, как судно без компаса.

Chess is a teaching and learning instrument older than chalkboards, printed books, the compass, and the telescope.
Шахматы - инструмент обучения старше классных досок, печатных книг, компаса и телескопа.

Tom looked at his compass.
Том посмотрел на свой компас.

Tom always carries a map and compass in his bag.
Том всегда носит в сумке карту и компас.

Tom doesn't know how to use a compass.
Том не умеет пользоваться компасом.

I don't know how to use this compass.
Я не знаю, как пользоваться этим компасом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I compass We compass
You compass You compass
He/She/It compasses They compass
Past Simple
I compassed We compassed
You compassed You compassed
He/She/It compassed They compassed
Future Simple
I will compass We will compass
You will compass You will compass
He/She/It will compass They will compass

Present Continuous
I am compassing We are compassing
You are compassing You are compassing
He/She/It is compassing They are compassing
Past Continuous
I was compassing We were compassing
You were compassing You were compassing
He/She/It was compassing They were compassing
Future Continuous
I will be compassing We will be compassing
You will be compassing You will be compassing
He/She/It will be compassing They will be compassing

Present Perfect
I have compassed We have compassed
You have compassed You have compassed
He/She/It has compassed They have compassed
Past Perfect
I had compassed We had compassed
You had compassed You had compassed
He/She/It had compassed They had compassed
Future Perfect
I will have compassed We will have compassed
You will have compassed You will have compassed
He/She/It will have compassed They will have compassed

md5 hash от слова compass: 869d7b08ed596dbaadf3e827ce9dbd88


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