

Теперь на нашем сайте доступен личный кабинет! Запоминайте слова методом интервальных повторений!


noun существительное

множественное число (plural): compounds.

Синонимы: combination, agent, aggregation, amalgamating, assemblage, bridging, cabling, coalescence, combining, communication, complex, composition, compounding, conflation, conjunction.

  1. соединение

    starting compound
    исходное соединение

    optically active compound
    оптически активное соединение

    compounds of heavy metals
    соединения тяжелых металлов

    synthesis of organic compounds
    синтез органических соединений

    volatile organic compounds emissions
    выбросы летучих органических соединений

  2. компаунд

    polymer compound
    полимерный компаунд

    rubber compound
    резиновая смесь

  3. состав

    synthetic compound
    синтетический состав

  4. вещество

    chemical compound
    химическое вещество

  5. компонента

    toxic compounds
    токсичные компоненты

  6. комплекс

    residential compound
    жилой комплекс

  7. подворье
  8. химическое соединение
  9. огороженная территория

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): compounded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): compounded.

Синонимы: contribute, accentuate, aggravate, augment, average, be, blend, compile, compose, confound, consist, constitute, deepen, dramatize, form.

  1. составлять
  2. смешивать
  3. усугублять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: combined, aggregated, challenge, combination, combo, complex, complicated, component, composed, composite, compounded, concatenated, constituent, constitutive, convoluted.

  1. составной

    compound file
    составной файл

  2. сложный

    compound interest
    сложный процент

  3. комбинированный
  4. компаундный
  5. сложносочиненный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений compound на 1 миллион слов: 23.

Примеры предложений

In German, compound words are written as one word!
В немецком составные слова пишутся слитно.

Salicylic acid is an organic compound.
Салициловая кислота - органическое вещество.

Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
Вода - соединение водорода и кислорода.

Only those who freely and correctly use compound verbs in speech can be considered to know the Tatar language perfectly.
Только те, кто свободно и правильно употребляет в речи составные глаголы, могут считаться знающими татарский язык в совершенстве.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I compound We compound
You compound You compound
He/She/It compounds They compound
Past Simple
I compounded We compounded
You compounded You compounded
He/She/It compounded They compounded
Future Simple
I will compound We will compound
You will compound You will compound
He/She/It will compound They will compound

Present Continuous
I am compounding We are compounding
You are compounding You are compounding
He/She/It is compounding They are compounding
Past Continuous
I was compounding We were compounding
You were compounding You were compounding
He/She/It was compounding They were compounding
Future Continuous
I will be compounding We will be compounding
You will be compounding You will be compounding
He/She/It will be compounding They will be compounding

Present Perfect
I have compounded We have compounded
You have compounded You have compounded
He/She/It has compounded They have compounded
Past Perfect
I had compounded We had compounded
You had compounded You had compounded
He/She/It had compounded They had compounded
Future Perfect
I will have compounded We will have compounded
You will have compounded You will have compounded
He/She/It will have compounded They will have compounded

md5 hash от слова compound: b9937ba090537685b0a0f1d6a11fd31e



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