

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): coughs.

Синонимы: coughing.

  1. кашель

    dry cough
    сухой кашель

verb глагол

  1. кашлять

    cough up blood
    кашлять кровью

  2. отхаркивать
  3. откашляться

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений cough на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

I went to the drug store to buy some cough medicine.
Я пошёл в аптеку, чтобы купить лекарство от кашля.

Do you have any cough medicine?
У тебя есть какие-нибудь лекарства от кашля?

You should buy some cough medicine and aspirin.
Ты должен купить лекарство от кашля и аспирин.

Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.
Прикрывайте рот, когда кашляете, чихаете или зеваете.

I'm sure that Ted's cough is due to smoking.
Я уверена, что кашель Теда - из-за курения.

Do you have cough drops?
У вас есть леденцы от кашля?

These cough lozenges taste bitter but they will do you much good.
Эти таблетки от кашля горькие на вкус, но они реально помогают.

Your cough is the consequence of smoking.
Твой кашель — следствие курения.

I have a dry cough.
У меня сухой кашель.

I cough a lot.
Я всё время кашляю.

Put your hand over your mouth when you cough, sneeze or yawn.
Прикрывайте рот рукой, когда кашляете, чихаете или зеваете.

Your cough worries me.
Меня беспокоит твой кашель.

I have a cough and a little fever.
У меня кашель и небольшая температура.

His cough is getting worse, he should stop smoking!
Его кашель всё хуже и хуже, ему надо бросить курить!

Tom neglected his cough and got bronchitis.
Том запустил свой кашель и получил бронхит.

My cough is getting worse.
Мой кашель становится хуже.

I have a sore throat. Do you have a cough drop?
У меня болит горло. Есть ли у вас средство от кашля?

I have a headache and I am suffering from a cough.
У меня болит голова и беспокоит кашель.

The medicine she took cured her of the bad cough she'd been suffering from.
Лекарство, которое она приняла, вылечило её от сильного кашля, от которого она страдала.

Love and cough cannot be hidden.
Любовь и кашель невозможно скрыть.

Tom went to the drugstore to buy some cough syrup.
Том пошёл в аптеку, чтобы купить немного сиропа от кашля.

Love and a cough can not be hid.
Любовь и кашель не скроешь.

I can't get rid of my cough.
Я не могу избавиться от кашля.

Do you have something that's good for a cough?
У вас есть что-нибудь от кашля?

What helps cure a cough?
Что помогает от кашля?

Does it hurt when you cough?
Вам больно кашлять?

I would like a bottle of cough mixture.
Сироп от кашля, пожалуйста.

Tom has a cough that won't go away.
У Тома непроходящий кашель.

Tom has a cough.
У Тома кашель.

How long have you had this cough?
Сколько у тебя уже этот кашель?

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I cough We cough
You cough You cough
He/She/It coughs They cough
Past Simple
I coughed We coughed
You coughed You coughed
He/She/It coughed They coughed
Future Simple
I will cough We will cough
You will cough You will cough
He/She/It will cough They will cough

Present Continuous
I am coughing We are coughing
You are coughing You are coughing
He/She/It is coughing They are coughing
Past Continuous
I was coughing We were coughing
You were coughing You were coughing
He/She/It was coughing They were coughing
Future Continuous
I will be coughing We will be coughing
You will be coughing You will be coughing
He/She/It will be coughing They will be coughing

Present Perfect
I have coughed We have coughed
You have coughed You have coughed
He/She/It has coughed They have coughed
Past Perfect
I had coughed We had coughed
You had coughed You had coughed
He/She/It had coughed They had coughed
Future Perfect
I will have coughed We will have coughed
You will have coughed You will have coughed
He/She/It will have coughed They will have coughed

md5 hash от слова cough: 1213c62fceeefdeb5bd6ed9620494246


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