

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): crisps.

Синонимы: chip, crispy, crunchy.

  1. хрустящая корочка
  2. чипсы

    packet of crisps
    пакетик чипсов

verb глагол

Синонимы: crunch.

  1. хрустеть

    crisp bread
    хрустящий хлеб

  2. завиваться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: crumbly, fresh, quick, abrasive, abrupt, accurately, acerbic, acrimonious, agile, alive, animate, animated, articulate, biting, bitter.

  1. четкий

    crisp sound
    четкий звук

  2. свежий

    crisp air
    свежий воздух

  3. рассыпчатый
  4. резкий
  5. кудрявый
  6. морозный
  7. живой
  8. хрупкий

participle причастие

Синонимы: brisk, chunky, crispy, crunchy, exhilarating.

  1. хрустящий
  2. бодрящий


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и crisp: scrip.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений crisp на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

You have a very crisp way of speaking.
У тебя очень четкая манера говорить.

I wonder how tempura fry up so deliciously crisp and dry. Is there a trick to it?
Интересно, как темпура получается такой восхитительно хрустящей и сухой? Есть ли в этом какой-то подвох?

Just talking about apple crisp is making my mouth water. Let's make it!
От одного разговора об яблочной хрустящей корочке у меня слюнки текут. Давайте сделаем это!

A crisp wind blew up over the sand dunes from the sea.
С моря над песчаными дюнами дул свежий ветер.

The water is pleasantly crisp.
Вода приятно свежая.

I like the crisp taste of menthol cigarettes.
Мне нравится свежий вкус ментоловых сигарет.

People will fry to a crisp in the sun today.
Сегодня люди поджарятся на солнце до хрустящей корочки.

I really like the crisp texture of gizzards.
Мне очень нравится хрустящая текстура желудков.

I suddenly got a craving to eat some crisp roast chicken skin.
Мне вдруг захотелось съесть немного хрустящей жареной куриной шкурки.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I crisp We crisp
You crisp You crisp
He/She/It crisps They crisp
Past Simple
I crisped We crisped
You crisped You crisped
He/She/It crisped They crisped
Future Simple
I will crisp We will crisp
You will crisp You will crisp
He/She/It will crisp They will crisp

Present Continuous
I am crisping We are crisping
You are crisping You are crisping
He/She/It is crisping They are crisping
Past Continuous
I was crisping We were crisping
You were crisping You were crisping
He/She/It was crisping They were crisping
Future Continuous
I will be crisping We will be crisping
You will be crisping You will be crisping
He/She/It will be crisping They will be crisping

Present Perfect
I have crisped We have crisped
You have crisped You have crisped
He/She/It has crisped They have crisped
Past Perfect
I had crisped We had crisped
You had crisped You had crisped
He/She/It had crisped They had crisped
Future Perfect
I will have crisped We will have crisped
You will have crisped You will have crisped
He/She/It will have crisped They will have crisped

md5 hash от слова crisp: cd92cb505429e1421e0f56000f17dc59


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