

noun существительное

Синонимы: hanger, knitting.

  1. вязание
  2. крючок
  3. кроше

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): crocheted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): crocheted.
  1. вязать крючком

adjective прилагательное

  1. вязальный

Примеры предложений

He's the type of man who'd rather crochet potholders than seek adventure.
Он из тех мужчин, которые предпочитают вязать крючком прихватки, чем искать приключений.

Do you know how to crochet?
Вы умеете вязать крючком?

Esther taught me to crochet.
Эстер научила меня вязать крючком.

Can you crochet?
Ты умеешь вязать крючком?

Tom wants to learn how to crochet.
Том хочет научиться вязать крючком.

My grandmother Helen loved to crochet and knit, but she had to quit when her vision worsened.
Моя бабушка Хелен любила вязать крючком и вязать, но ей пришлось бросить, когда у нее ухудшилось зрение.

I want to learn how to crochet.
Я хочу научиться вязать крючком.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I crochet We crochet
You crochet You crochet
He/She/It crochets They crochet
Past Simple
I crocheted We crocheted
You crocheted You crocheted
He/She/It crocheted They crocheted
Future Simple
I will crochet We will crochet
You will crochet You will crochet
He/She/It will crochet They will crochet

Present Continuous
I am crocheting We are crocheting
You are crocheting You are crocheting
He/She/It is crocheting They are crocheting
Past Continuous
I was crocheting We were crocheting
You were crocheting You were crocheting
He/She/It was crocheting They were crocheting
Future Continuous
I will be crocheting We will be crocheting
You will be crocheting You will be crocheting
He/She/It will be crocheting They will be crocheting

Present Perfect
I have crocheted We have crocheted
You have crocheted You have crocheted
He/She/It has crocheted They have crocheted
Past Perfect
I had crocheted We had crocheted
You had crocheted You had crocheted
He/She/It had crocheted They had crocheted
Future Perfect
I will have crocheted We will have crocheted
You will have crocheted You will have crocheted
He/She/It will have crocheted They will have crocheted

md5 hash от слова crochet: 59b17eb7a500c361e5cc55a70b480045


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