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Кол-во употреблений curtail на 1 миллион слов: 1.
We can say that there's not a clear winner in terms of a policy to curtail medical expenses and benefits.
Мы можем сказать, что нет явного победителя с точки зрения политики сокращения медицинских расходов и льгот.
Their efforts to curtail spending didn't quite succeed.
Их усилия по сокращению расходов не увенчались полным успехом.
On July 16, 1439, King Henry VI banned kissing in England to curtail the spread of the plague.
16 июля 1439 года король Генрих VI запретил целоваться в Англии, чтобы остановить распространение чумы.
The aim is to curtail dependence on countries such as Taiwan for chips.
Цель состоит в том, чтобы сократить зависимость от таких стран, как Тайвань, в производстве чипов.
Present Simple | |
I curtail | We curtail |
You curtail | You curtail |
He/She/It curtails | They curtail |
Past Simple | |
I curtailed | We curtailed |
You curtailed | You curtailed |
He/She/It curtailed | They curtailed |
Future Simple | |
I will curtail | We will curtail |
You will curtail | You will curtail |
He/She/It will curtail | They will curtail |
Present Continuous | |
I am curtailing | We are curtailing |
You are curtailing | You are curtailing |
He/She/It is curtailing | They are curtailing |
Past Continuous | |
I was curtailing | We were curtailing |
You were curtailing | You were curtailing |
He/She/It was curtailing | They were curtailing |
Future Continuous | |
I will be curtailing | We will be curtailing |
You will be curtailing | You will be curtailing |
He/She/It will be curtailing | They will be curtailing |
Present Perfect | |
I have curtailed | We have curtailed |
You have curtailed | You have curtailed |
He/She/It has curtailed | They have curtailed |
Past Perfect | |
I had curtailed | We had curtailed |
You had curtailed | You had curtailed |
He/She/It had curtailed | They had curtailed |
Future Perfect | |
I will have curtailed | We will have curtailed |
You will have curtailed | You will have curtailed |
He/She/It will have curtailed | They will have curtailed |
Здесь вы можете оставить отзыв, относящийся к слову curtail. Текст комментария может быть только на русском или английском языке.