

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): deprived.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): deprived.

Синонимы: deduct, expropriate, invalidate, revoke, rob, strip, wean.

  1. лишать

    deprive people
    лишить людей

  2. отнимать
  3. обделить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений deprive на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote.
Новый закон отнимет у религиозных меньшинств право голоса.

Don't deprive yourselves of the pleasures of life.
Не лишайте себя радостей жизни.

You can deprive me of my title if you want.
Можете лишить меня титула, если хотите.

A toothache deprived me of sleep
Зубная боль лишила меня сна

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I deprive We deprive
You deprive You deprive
He/She/It deprives They deprive
Past Simple
I deprived We deprived
You deprived You deprived
He/She/It deprived They deprived
Future Simple
I will deprive We will deprive
You will deprive You will deprive
He/She/It will deprive They will deprive

Present Continuous
I am depriving We are depriving
You are depriving You are depriving
He/She/It is depriving They are depriving
Past Continuous
I was depriving We were depriving
You were depriving You were depriving
He/She/It was depriving They were depriving
Future Continuous
I will be depriving We will be depriving
You will be depriving You will be depriving
He/She/It will be depriving They will be depriving

Present Perfect
I have deprived We have deprived
You have deprived You have deprived
He/She/It has deprived They have deprived
Past Perfect
I had deprived We had deprived
You had deprived You had deprived
He/She/It had deprived They had deprived
Future Perfect
I will have deprived We will have deprived
You will have deprived You will have deprived
He/She/It will have deprived They will have deprived

md5 hash от слова deprive: f1c66d742bf4759c3b8a468b178ed319


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