

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): drips.

Синонимы: dripping, bead, bit, blob, dribble, drop, ebb, glob, infusion, ounce, outflow, permeation, reflux, seepage, seeping.

  1. капанье
  2. капля

    drips of water
    капли воды

  3. капельница

    intravenous drip
    внутривенная капельница

  4. потек
  5. отлив
  6. капельник
  7. просачивание
  8. слезник

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): dripped.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): dripped.

Синонимы: dribble, filter, flow, leach, leak, permeate, seep, trickle.

  1. капать
  2. течь
  3. просачиваться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: dripping, droplet, dropping, tiny, trickle.

  1. капельный

    drip infusion
    капельная инфузия

Примеры предложений

I hear the buzz of a fan, the drip of the faucet, the hum of the fridge, the tick of the clock, the whoosh of cars passing by the house.
Я слышу, как жужжит вентилятор, капает кран, гудит холодильник, тикают часы, машины со свистом проносятся около дома.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I drip We drip
You drip You drip
He/She/It drips They drip
Past Simple
I dripped We dripped
You dripped You dripped
He/She/It dripped They dripped
Future Simple
I will drip We will drip
You will drip You will drip
He/She/It will drip They will drip

Present Continuous
I am dripping We are dripping
You are dripping You are dripping
He/She/It is dripping They are dripping
Past Continuous
I was dripping We were dripping
You were dripping You were dripping
He/She/It was dripping They were dripping
Future Continuous
I will be dripping We will be dripping
You will be dripping You will be dripping
He/She/It will be dripping They will be dripping

Present Perfect
I have dripped We have dripped
You have dripped You have dripped
He/She/It has dripped They have dripped
Past Perfect
I had dripped We had dripped
You had dripped You had dripped
He/She/It had dripped They had dripped
Future Perfect
I will have dripped We will have dripped
You will have dripped You will have dripped
He/She/It will have dripped They will have dripped

md5 hash от слова drip: c2bbdff6e5f82751c3da0f4bd6618f1d



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