

noun существительное

Синонимы: dispossession, evicting, eviction, ouster.

  1. выселение

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): evicted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): evicted.

Синонимы: evacuate, resettle.

  1. выселять


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и evict: civet.

Примеры предложений

If you don't pay rent, the landlord will evict you.
Если вы не заплатите арендную плату, арендодатель выселит вас.

Dan was known to evict tenants.
Дэн был известен тем, что выселял жильцов.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I evict We evict
You evict You evict
He/She/It evicts They evict
Past Simple
I evicted We evicted
You evicted You evicted
He/She/It evicted They evicted
Future Simple
I will evict We will evict
You will evict You will evict
He/She/It will evict They will evict

Present Continuous
I am evicting We are evicting
You are evicting You are evicting
He/She/It is evicting They are evicting
Past Continuous
I was evicting We were evicting
You were evicting You were evicting
He/She/It was evicting They were evicting
Future Continuous
I will be evicting We will be evicting
You will be evicting You will be evicting
He/She/It will be evicting They will be evicting

Present Perfect
I have evicted We have evicted
You have evicted You have evicted
He/She/It has evicted They have evicted
Past Perfect
I had evicted We had evicted
You had evicted You had evicted
He/She/It had evicted They had evicted
Future Perfect
I will have evicted We will have evicted
You will have evicted You will have evicted
He/She/It will have evicted They will have evicted

md5 hash от слова evict: eb9885e11bb255862e765a54558fd1ad



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