

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): exhausts.

Синонимы: drawing, emission, exhausting, extract, fumes, stretching.

  1. выхлоп

    automobile exhaust
    автомобильный выхлоп

  2. вытяжка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): exhausted.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): exhausted.

Синонимы: fatigue, harass, huddle, overwork, poop.

  1. истощить
  2. изнурять
  3. устать
  4. извести
  5. загонять
  6. изматывать
  7. полностью исчерпать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: discharging, final, graduate, graduation, outlet, prom, senior.

  1. выпускной

    exhaust manifold
    выпускной коллектор

    hot exhaust gas
    горячий выхлопной газ

    dual exhaust pipes
    двойные выхлопные трубы

    local exhaust ventilation
    местная вытяжная вентиляция

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений exhaust на 1 миллион слов: 9.

Примеры предложений

Inhaling diesel exhaust is bad for our health.
Дышать дизельными выхлопами вредно для вашего здоровья.

Exhaust from factories pollutes the air.
Выбросы с фабрик загрязняют воздух.

The control of exhaust gas is especially needed in big cities.
Контроль выхлопных газов в больших городах особенно важен.

I'll have to get a new exhaust pipe for the car.
Мне придется купить новую выхлопную трубу для машины.

We could smell the exhaust.
Мы чувствовали запах выхлопа.

The conversion of Tom's car engine to run on leftover cooking oil has left its exhaust smelling a little like French fries.
После переделки двигателя машины Тома на работу на отработанном растительном масле, выхлопные газы стали пахнуть картошкой фри.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I exhaust We exhaust
You exhaust You exhaust
He/She/It exhausts They exhaust
Past Simple
I exhausted We exhausted
You exhausted You exhausted
He/She/It exhausted They exhausted
Future Simple
I will exhaust We will exhaust
You will exhaust You will exhaust
He/She/It will exhaust They will exhaust

Present Continuous
I am exhausting We are exhausting
You are exhausting You are exhausting
He/She/It is exhausting They are exhausting
Past Continuous
I was exhausting We were exhausting
You were exhausting You were exhausting
He/She/It was exhausting They were exhausting
Future Continuous
I will be exhausting We will be exhausting
You will be exhausting You will be exhausting
He/She/It will be exhausting They will be exhausting

Present Perfect
I have exhausted We have exhausted
You have exhausted You have exhausted
He/She/It has exhausted They have exhausted
Past Perfect
I had exhausted We had exhausted
You had exhausted You had exhausted
He/She/It had exhausted They had exhausted
Future Perfect
I will have exhausted We will have exhausted
You will have exhausted You will have exhausted
He/She/It will have exhausted They will have exhausted

md5 hash от слова exhaust: 843998f26d20d75924214d3b9c9d20d6



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