

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): fences.

Синонимы: abstraction, buyer, diversion, intake, sampling, taking.

  1. забор

    wire fence
    проволочный забор

    high wooden fence
    высокий деревянный забор

    white picket fence
    белый забор

    cast iron fence
    чугунная ограда

    road fence
    дорожное ограждение

    electric fence
    электрическая изгородь

    border fence
    пограничное заграждение

  2. загородка
  3. скупщик
  4. оградка
  5. Тын
  6. направляющая линейка
  7. барыга

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): fenced.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): fenced.

Синонимы: enclosing, hedge.

  1. ограждать
  2. огораживать
  3. фехтовать
  4. городить

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): fencer.

  1. заборный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений fence на 1 миллион слов: 6.

Примеры предложений

A fence between makes love more keen.
Преграда между двоими делает любовь сильнее.

A fence runs around the house.
Дом окружен забором.

There is a fence about the house.
Дом обнесён оградой.

Tom will paint the fence tomorrow.
Том покрасит забор завтра.

The fence will be painted by Tom tomorrow.
Забор будет покрашен Томом завтра.

The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.
Сад был окружён деревянным забором.

The fence was painted by my father.
Ограду покрасил мой отец.

The fence is painted green.
Ограда выкрашена в зелёный цвет.

I haven't painted the fence yet.
Я ещё не покрасил забор.

Tom picked up a paintbrush and started helping Mary paint the fence.
Том взял кисть и принялся помогать Мэри красить забор.

There's a fence around my house.
Вокруг моего дома стоит забор.

It is possible to fence oneself out from the outer world with a newspaper.
От внешнего мира можно отгородиться газетой.

I painted the fence today.
Я сегодня покрасил забор.

I painted the fence white.
Я покрасил забор в белый цвет.

They want to build a fence around their home.
Они хотят построить забор вокруг своего дома.

Our fence is made of iron.
Наш забор сделан из железа.

I painted the fence with Tom.
Мы с Томом покрасили забор.

The fence needs to be painted.
Забор нужно покрасить.

The fence is part wood and part stone.
Этот забор сделан частью из дерева, частью из камня.

Tom painted the fence with the help of his friends.
Фома с помощью своих друзей покрасил забор.

I painted the fence green.
Я выкрасил забор в зелёный цвет.

Tom climbed over the fence and picked some apples from the tree.
Том перелез через забор и сорвал с яблони несколько яблок.

The car hit the fence and turned over.
Машина врезалась в забор и перевернулась.

They painted the fence green.
Они покрасили ограду в зелёный цвет.

Tom hasn't painted the fence yet.
Том ещё не покрасил забор.

A fence runs along the road.
Вдоль дороги тянется изгородь.

There is a fence around the house.
Вокруг дома есть забор.

Tom climbed over the fence.
Том перелез через забор.

Tom still has to finish painting the fence.
Том ещё должен закончить красить забор.

Tom is painting his fence.
Том красит забор.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I fence We fence
You fence You fence
He/She/It fences They fence
Past Simple
I fenced We fenced
You fenced You fenced
He/She/It fenced They fenced
Future Simple
I will fence We will fence
You will fence You will fence
He/She/It will fence They will fence

Present Continuous
I am fencing We are fencing
You are fencing You are fencing
He/She/It is fencing They are fencing
Past Continuous
I was fencing We were fencing
You were fencing You were fencing
He/She/It was fencing They were fencing
Future Continuous
I will be fencing We will be fencing
You will be fencing You will be fencing
He/She/It will be fencing They will be fencing

Present Perfect
I have fenced We have fenced
You have fenced You have fenced
He/She/It has fenced They have fenced
Past Perfect
I had fenced We had fenced
You had fenced You had fenced
He/She/It had fenced They had fenced
Future Perfect
I will have fenced We will have fenced
You will have fenced You will have fenced
He/She/It will have fenced They will have fenced

md5 hash от слова fence: dc42bba70e898069cd3bbd09e5e12c4b



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