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noun существительное
множественное число (plural): forks.
Синонимы: bifurcation, bracket, branch, derivation, diapason, forking, gab, offshoot, spur, tap, yoke.
front fork
передняя вилка
road fork
развилка дорог
verb глагол
Синонимы: branch.
adjective прилагательное
fork loader
вилочный погрузчик
Кол-во употреблений fork на 1 миллион слов: 15.
Tom put his fork down.
Том положил вилку.
A fork fell off the table.
Со стола упала вилка.
There is a fork missing.
Не хватает вилки.
The boy can handle a knife and fork very well.
Мальчик умеет пользоваться ножом и вилкой.
Take the fork out of the electric socket.
Вынь вилку из розетки.
This fork is made of plastic.
Эта вилка пластиковая.
We came to a fork in the road and had no idea which direction to go.
Мы пришли к разветвлению дороги и совершенно не знали, в какую сторону идти.
The fork is dirty.
Вилка грязная.
Have you ever stirred your coffee with a fork?
Ты когда-нибудь размешивал кофе вилкой?
Turn left when you get to the fork in the road.
Когда дойдёте до развилки, поверните налево.
The tines of the fork are bent.
Зубцы вилки погнуты.
That's the fork that Tom was eating with.
Это вилка, которой Том ел.
That's the fork Tom was using.
Это вилка, которой Том пользовался.
Tom dropped his fork on the floor. Please get him a clean one.
Том уронил на пол вилку. Принесите ему чистую, пожалуйста.
A fork is missing.
Одной вилки не хватает.
Italians only use their fork to eat spaghetti.
Итальянцы едят спагетти только вилкой.
One fork is missing.
Не хватает одной вилки.
We usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon.
Мы имеем обыкновение есть, используя нож, вилку и ложку.
Eating yogurt with a fork is somewhat difficult.
Есть йогурт вилкой довольно трудно.
He handled the knife and fork very well.
Он очень ловко управлялся с ножом и вилкой.
A fork fell off of the table.
Со стола упала вилка.
The small fork is for your salad, and the large one is for the main course.
Маленькая вилка предназначена для салата, а большая - для главного блюда.
The ice cream was so hard that they ate it with a fork and knife.
Мороженое было таким твёрдым, что они ели его ножом и вилкой.
There's a fork in the road here.
Здесь развилка.
Because of the knight's unusual way of hopping around the board, beginners are often taken by surprise and find themselves the victims of a knight's fork.
Из-за необычной манеры лошади прыгать через доску новички часто удивляются и получают двойную атаку от лошади.
It's impossible to eat soup with a fork.
Не получится есть суп вилкой.
You can't eat soup with a fork.
Суп нельзя есть вилкой.
Could I have a knife and fork, please?
Дайте мне, пожалуйста, вилку и нож.
Tom is eating with a fork.
Том ест вилкой.
I need a spoon, a fork, and a knife. Thank you.
Мне нужна ложка, вилка и нож. Спасибо.
Present Simple | |
I fork | We fork |
You fork | You fork |
He/She/It forks | They fork |
Past Simple | |
I forked | We forked |
You forked | You forked |
He/She/It forked | They forked |
Future Simple | |
I will fork | We will fork |
You will fork | You will fork |
He/She/It will fork | They will fork |
Present Continuous | |
I am forking | We are forking |
You are forking | You are forking |
He/She/It is forking | They are forking |
Past Continuous | |
I was forking | We were forking |
You were forking | You were forking |
He/She/It was forking | They were forking |
Future Continuous | |
I will be forking | We will be forking |
You will be forking | You will be forking |
He/She/It will be forking | They will be forking |
Present Perfect | |
I have forked | We have forked |
You have forked | You have forked |
He/She/It has forked | They have forked |
Past Perfect | |
I had forked | We had forked |
You had forked | You had forked |
He/She/It had forked | They had forked |
Future Perfect | |
I will have forked | We will have forked |
You will have forked | You will have forked |
He/She/It will have forked | They will have forked |
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