

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): fouls.

Синонимы: filth.

  1. сквернословие
  2. фол

    technical foul
    технический фол

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): fouled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): fouled.

Синонимы: afoul, breach, break, contaminate, contravene, defile, defy, dirty, disobey, disturb, entrench, infringe, interrupt, intrude, offend.

  1. нарушать
  2. фолить
  3. загрязнять

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: dirty, filthy, impure, contaminated, dirt, greasy, impurity, messy, mud, nasty, obscene, raunchy, scruffy, smelly, soiled.

  1. грязный

    foul straw
    грязная солома

    foul mood
    скверное настроение

    foul creatures
    мерзкие твари

    foul crime
    гнусное преступление

  2. нечистый

    foul spirit
    нечистый дух

  3. вонючий

    foul breath
    зловонное дыхание

  4. непотребный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений foul на 1 миллион слов: 5.

Примеры предложений

You have foul breath.
У тебя неприятный запах изо рта.

That foul odor is coming from the river.
Эта вонь доносится с реки.

It's foul of you to have concealed it.
Отвратительно, что вы скрыли это.

The police found no signs of foul play in the apartment.
Полиция не нашла в квартире следов преступления.

It was a foul play.
Это была подлая выходка.

Smokers foul up the air.
Курильщики загрязняют воздух.

He uses foul language whenever he gets angry.
Он ругается всякий раз, как разозлится.

It was foul play.
Это была подлая выходка.

Mary has been in a foul mood all week.
Мэри всю неделю была в отвратительном настроении.

Tom is in a foul mood today.
У Тома сегодня плохое настроение.

There is a foul odor in the air.
В воздухе неприятный запах.

Fair is foul, and foul is fair: hover through the fog and filthy air.
Зло станет правдой, правда — злом. Взовьёмся в воздухе гнилом.

Tom is in a foul mood.
Том в плохом настроении.

He will never play you foul.
Он никогда не поведёт себя нечестно по отношению к тебе.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I foul We foul
You foul You foul
He/She/It fouls They foul
Past Simple
I fouled We fouled
You fouled You fouled
He/She/It fouled They fouled
Future Simple
I will foul We will foul
You will foul You will foul
He/She/It will foul They will foul

Present Continuous
I am fouling We are fouling
You are fouling You are fouling
He/She/It is fouling They are fouling
Past Continuous
I was fouling We were fouling
You were fouling You were fouling
He/She/It was fouling They were fouling
Future Continuous
I will be fouling We will be fouling
You will be fouling You will be fouling
He/She/It will be fouling They will be fouling

Present Perfect
I have fouled We have fouled
You have fouled You have fouled
He/She/It has fouled They have fouled
Past Perfect
I had fouled We had fouled
You had fouled You had fouled
He/She/It had fouled They had fouled
Future Perfect
I will have fouled We will have fouled
You will have fouled You will have fouled
He/She/It will have fouled They will have fouled

md5 hash от слова foul: d679b5fbc53a4cf4fe2f1166aaf5e8e6


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