

noun существительное

Синонимы: spree, festivity, fun, gaiety, mirth, prank, rejoicing, revel.

  1. резвость
  2. шалость
  3. веселье

verb глагол

Синонимы: fool, fun, romp, sport.

  1. веселиться
  2. резвиться
  3. проказничать
  4. дурить

adjective прилагательное

  1. шаловливый

Примеры предложений

I want to go for a frolic in the rain.
Я хочу пойти порезвиться под дождем.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I frolic We frolic
You frolic You frolic
He/She/It frolics They frolic
Past Simple
I frolicked We frolicked
You frolicked You frolicked
He/She/It frolicked They frolicked
Future Simple
I will frolic We will frolic
You will frolic You will frolic
He/She/It will frolic They will frolic

Present Continuous
I am frolicking We are frolicking
You are frolicking You are frolicking
He/She/It is frolicking They are frolicking
Past Continuous
I was frolicking We were frolicking
You were frolicking You were frolicking
He/She/It was frolicking They were frolicking
Future Continuous
I will be frolicking We will be frolicking
You will be frolicking You will be frolicking
He/She/It will be frolicking They will be frolicking

Present Perfect
I have frolicked We have frolicked
You have frolicked You have frolicked
He/She/It has frolicked They have frolicked
Past Perfect
I had frolicked We had frolicked
You had frolicked You had frolicked
He/She/It had frolicked They had frolicked
Future Perfect
I will have frolicked We will have frolicked
You will have frolicked You will have frolicked
He/She/It will have frolicked They will have frolicked

md5 hash от слова frolic: a7e0a6d4f5bcce540cb9b098adb705d4


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