

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): glances.

Синонимы: attitude, blush, gaze, glare, glimpse, look, mind, peek, sight, stance, viewpoint.

  1. взгляд

    sidelong glance
    косой взгляд

    penetrating glance
    проницательный взор

verb глагол

Синонимы: brush, gleam, sweep.

  1. скользнуть
  2. бросить взгляд

    glance upwards
    взглянуть вверх

    glance inside
    заглянуть внутрь

  3. мельком взглянуть
  4. переглядываться
  5. поблескивать
  6. бегло просмотреть

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений glance на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

At first glance, the question seemed easy.
На первый взгляд вопрос казался простым.

At first glance this is not a bad idea.
На первый взгляд, идея неплохая.

Take a glance at the mirror.
Взгляните в зеркало.

I could tell at a glance that something was wrong.
Я с первого взгляда мог сказать, что что-то не так.

She smiled in response to his affectionate glance.
Она улыбнулась в ответ на его нежный взгляд.

I recognized him at first glance.
Я узнал его с первого взгляда.

He stole a glance at the girl.
Он украдкой взглянул на девушку.

He saw at a glance that his daughter had been crying.
Он с первого взгляда понял, что его дочь плакала.

He took a glance at the papers.
Он взглянул на документы.

She took a casual glance at the book.
Она глянула в книгу.

She did not so much as cast glance at me.
Она на меня даже не посмотрела.

She threw a suspicious glance at him.
Она бросила на него подозрительный взгляд.

She shot a glance at her mother.
Она бросила взгляд на мать.

Possibly because he's got a beard, he looks scary at first glance but he's really a kind man.
Наверное, из-за бороды он при первой встрече кажется страшным, но на самом деле он добрый человек.

Tom gave Mary a sideways glance.
Том искоса взглянул на Мэри.

At a first glance it seems easy.
На первый взгляд это кажется лёгким.

Despite being related, the two languages are very dissimilar and, at first glance, do not appear to have anything to do with each other.
Несмотря на родство, эти два языка весьма различаются и, на первый взгляд, как будто не имеют друг с другом ничего общего.

He took a sideways glance at her legs.
Он искоса поглядывал на её ноги.

I didn’t even glance at him.
Я даже не взглянул на него.

Tom sized up the situation at a glance.
Том сразу сообразил, в чём тут дело.

At a glance, he knew that the child was hungry.
Он сразу же понял, что ребенок голоден.

I recognized her at first glance.
Я узнал её с первого взгляда.

I fell in love at the first glance.
Я влюбился с первого взгляда.

At first glance, they're a happy family.
На первый взгляд у них счастливая семья.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I glance We glance
You glance You glance
He/She/It glances They glance
Past Simple
I glanced We glanced
You glanced You glanced
He/She/It glanced They glanced
Future Simple
I will glance We will glance
You will glance You will glance
He/She/It will glance They will glance

Present Continuous
I am glancing We are glancing
You are glancing You are glancing
He/She/It is glancing They are glancing
Past Continuous
I was glancing We were glancing
You were glancing You were glancing
He/She/It was glancing They were glancing
Future Continuous
I will be glancing We will be glancing
You will be glancing You will be glancing
He/She/It will be glancing They will be glancing

Present Perfect
I have glanced We have glanced
You have glanced You have glanced
He/She/It has glanced They have glanced
Past Perfect
I had glanced We had glanced
You had glanced You had glanced
He/She/It had glanced They had glanced
Future Perfect
I will have glanced We will have glanced
You will have glanced You will have glanced
He/She/It will have glanced They will have glanced

md5 hash от слова glance: ffb5ff6434d711e517b939faf00d331c


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