

noun существительное

Синонимы: babbler, chatter, jackdaw, prattler, scandal, speculation, talker.

  1. сплетня

    malicious gossip
    злобная сплетня

    idle gossip
    пустая болтовня

  2. сплетница
  3. слухи
  4. злословие
  5. кумушка
  6. болтун

verb глагол

Синонимы: chat, chatter, gab, natter, stir, talk, wag.

  1. сплетничать
  2. болтать
  3. злословить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений gossip на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

I have no time to engage in gossip.
У меня нет времени на сплетни.

Tom's mother is such a gossip.
Мать Тома такая болтушка.

I don't pay attention to gossip.
Я не обращаю внимания на сплетни.

Mary likes to gossip about celebrities.
Мэри любит посплетничать о знаменитостях.

Tom and Mary like to gossip about celebrities.
Том и Мэри любят сплетничать о знаменитостях.

Mrs. Takeda was listening in on the latest neighborhood gossip.
Госпожа Такеда ловила последние окрестные сплетни.

I like to gossip.
Я люблю посплетничать.

John is a gossip.
Джон - сплетник.

He loves to gossip.
Он любит посплетничать.

Tom loves gossip.
Том обожает сплетни.

Tom loves to gossip.
Том очень любит посплетничать.

He is fond of gossip.
Он любит сплетни.

Don't listen to gossip.
Не слушайте сплетни.

She's a real gossip.
Она настоящая сплетница.

You're such a gossip.
Ты такая сплетница!

Tom isn't one to gossip.
Том не из тех, кто будет сплетничать.

She loves to gossip.
Она любит посплетничать.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I gossip We gossip
You gossip You gossip
He/She/It gossips They gossip
Past Simple
I gossiped We gossiped
You gossiped You gossiped
He/She/It gossiped They gossiped
Future Simple
I will gossip We will gossip
You will gossip You will gossip
He/She/It will gossip They will gossip

Present Continuous
I am gossiping We are gossiping
You are gossiping You are gossiping
He/She/It is gossiping They are gossiping
Past Continuous
I was gossiping We were gossiping
You were gossiping You were gossiping
He/She/It was gossiping They were gossiping
Future Continuous
I will be gossiping We will be gossiping
You will be gossiping You will be gossiping
He/She/It will be gossiping They will be gossiping

Present Perfect
I have gossiped We have gossiped
You have gossiped You have gossiped
He/She/It has gossiped They have gossiped
Past Perfect
I had gossiped We had gossiped
You had gossiped You had gossiped
He/She/It had gossiped They had gossiped
Future Perfect
I will have gossiped We will have gossiped
You will have gossiped You will have gossiped
He/She/It will have gossiped They will have gossiped

md5 hash от слова gossip: cbab2b0ff9a8a5f7b39084060eef2eda



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