

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): grills.

Синонимы: grille, array, bar, grate, grating, griddle, gridiron, grilling, hash, lattice, rack, railing, rotisserie, trellis, webbing.

  1. гриль

    charcoal grill
    угольный гриль

  2. решетка

    ventilation grill
    вентиляционная решетка

  3. рашпер
  4. гриль-бар
  5. ростверк

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): grilled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): grilled.

Синонимы: barbecue, burn, burned, fry, heat, roast, sear, sting.

  1. жечь
  2. жарить
  3. жарить на гриле

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: cancelled, grate, grating, lattice, trellis.

  1. решетчатый

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений grill на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

A seven-year-old girl was beaten to death by her mother, who in the presence of the stepfather tried to dispose of the body by burning it on a grill.
Семилетняя девочка была до смерти избита своей матерью, которая в присутствии отчима попыталась избавиться от тела путём сжигания его на гриле.

On Friday evenings, a group of us with spouses working overseas meet at Chuck's Bar and Grill.
По пятницам наша группа встречается с супругами, работающими за границей, в баре Чака.

My band will perform this week at Chuck's Bar and Grill. Please come and see us.
Моя группа будет выступать в баре у Чака на этой неделе. Приходите к нам на концерт, пожалуйста.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I grill We grill
You grill You grill
He/She/It grills They grill
Past Simple
I grilled We grilled
You grilled You grilled
He/She/It grilled They grilled
Future Simple
I will grill We will grill
You will grill You will grill
He/She/It will grill They will grill

Present Continuous
I am grilling We are grilling
You are grilling You are grilling
He/She/It is grilling They are grilling
Past Continuous
I was grilling We were grilling
You were grilling You were grilling
He/She/It was grilling They were grilling
Future Continuous
I will be grilling We will be grilling
You will be grilling You will be grilling
He/She/It will be grilling They will be grilling

Present Perfect
I have grilled We have grilled
You have grilled You have grilled
He/She/It has grilled They have grilled
Past Perfect
I had grilled We had grilled
You had grilled You had grilled
He/She/It had grilled They had grilled
Future Perfect
I will have grilled We will have grilled
You will have grilled You will have grilled
He/She/It will have grilled They will have grilled

md5 hash от слова grill: 925138f6da5e72172539bf65b4cc235a


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